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Votives with Palm wax

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This will be my first votive experience... I'm a little nervous!

I have new molds here, and some pillar palm wax. Was wondering if I should spray those little guys with Pam, or will the palm wax slide out on its own? I don't want to do anything to hinder the crystallization. What do you think?

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You may not need to spray them before each pour, but with new cups, I usually spray them before using them the first time. Spraying in them will not kill the crystalization. One other thing you will want to do after you pour them, is after they start getting a crust over the top of them, you will want to poke relief holes. Palm is very hard and brittle and is notorious for hidden caverns. After you poke the holes, keep the holes open until it is cooled, then fill them in with leftover wax, and let it run just to the sides of the votive cup.

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I've had a lot of luck getting nice looking tops by pushing the center around the wick pin down into the still warm wax below it. I haven't gotten an air pocket (yet) doing that, but it makes the second pour look much nicer. I was trying to come up with a way to make them look nice, as they don't sink in the center like pariffin! I also noticed that these palm wax babies slide right out of the mold before they're totally set up. Lesson learned when I saw how much they pulled away from the sides, I dropped it right out, slammed the wick pin on a knife handle... lo and behold, hot wax from the center splattered out everywhere!!

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