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Gone Country Graphics


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Funny you should mention that. I paid to have my site advertised and I can find it on the site. I paid back in December. I know I read that she doesnt update till the 15th of every month but its the 20th and I still dont see it.:cry2:

I emailed yesterday and I havent received a response. If you hear anything, please update us.


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Hi Guys, Donna did my site over a year ago www.haycreekcandles.com I am very happy with it. I too have emailed her a few times over the past couple months to get my scent list updated and haven't received a response from her. Which is very unusual. I would try giving her a call if nothing else. I'm actually thinking about it myself. Let us know if you get ahold of her.

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Okay-I called her. She picked up the phone as I was leaving a message on her machine (asking for a refund). She said "Hello--are people allowed to be sick???? I'm sick!" Like I know? She started off really rude, then got nicer. All I know is I paid almost 2 months ago and can't get ahold of the person now?? I asked her to sit in my shoes for a second... She might get started on mine next week. I asked her about you Carmen while I had her (hope you don't mind) and she said your on now. She said she never got any of my emails (?) her spam blocker must have dumped them. Hopefully I'll get my new site soon. Glad I got ahold of her at least. Makes me feel a bit better.

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I purchased a cd with graphics on it from her about 2 months ago. I have used them for labels and such...was considering using her for building a website but after the above problems I will look at a different company.:embarasse

Thanks for sharing your experience.

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Hi my name is martin, and this is my first post.

As a web designer I know that we some times get bombarded by design changes, updates, or just overal designs. I personally dont know this Country graphics but is seems to me that they are droping the ball here. two months for a few updates is wrong.

Once a design is created it only takes a few minutes to update a couple of lists, unless its a major update then it should take a day at the most! your basically replacing whats already there.

And sure any one can have an accident, injury, or just a strong cold that can knock you out for at least two weeks, but thats what a courtesy call or email is for. I really don't have a problem getting at clients with in 24 hours, even thru the weekend! its usually the other way around when I need pics or payent form them.

those are my two cents...

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It all depends on quality, you can pay some one to do a website for $99 Dollars and you will get a site for $99 dollars. While if you have the time and money you can get a site for $300-500 dollars that’s not only professional but also interactive using features such as flash and music.

And once you add features such as a shopping cart its a whole different ball park. You should be looking at prices between 1,000+ minimum, since it's more delicate and should be tested and retested for security, safety and browser compatibility. Plus you have to get the certificate from verisign proving that you are legitimate.

Here’s a sample of a professional website using flash, and not a cookie cutter template.


I'll post later a few other candle related websites that are awesome.

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