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Wax and wicks


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I’m going to be mixing sasol 6213 and GW 474 together. Will this work as a blend wax ?. Also I’m looking to order LX wicks and eco wicks and see if there is any difference is would anyone recommend a wick I can buy on UK if these don’t work. I’m not sure if I’m posting Wright as I only get one reply sorry if I’m not I’m new to this and looking for some help in getting started 

thank you in advance x

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From what I gathered from a quick search, the 6213 seems to be a soft parrafin container blend, likely similar to our 4630 here in the US. The 474 (which has very little info to go on!), seems to be a soy blend designed for votives, but not quite hard enough to be considered a pillar wax. I guess GW must not offer that in the US anymore? I didn't find much info on it.

So my question from here would be what are you hoping to achieve with this blend? It's likely they will blend well together, people blend soy and parrafin all the time. But without know what end result you're looking for, it's difficult to say if those specific waxes will meet your needs.

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Sorry it’s GW 464 my mistake I put 474 I’m looking to make scented candles in container like jars and tins. I’m using just c-3 soy wax at min with eco wicks I’m not getting any hot throw at all very minimum if any. So I thought using 464 and 6213 may help increase the fragrance Load as it’s paraffin.  I have ordered some hpt  wicks to try and see I’d that makes a difference thanks for the help I really do appreciate it. I have added email in case you have more help for me x


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10 minutes ago, Cookie69 said:

Sorry it’s GW 464 my mistake I put 474 I’m looking to make scented candles in container like jars and tins. I’m using just c-3 soy wax at min with eco wicks I’m not getting any hot throw at all very minimum if any. So I thought using 464 and 6213 may help increase the fragrance Load as it’s paraffin.  I have ordered some hpt  wicks to try and see I’d that makes a difference thanks for the help I really do appreciate it. I have added email in case you have more help for me x



That makes so much more sense! 😁

I was having a heck of a time finding anything on 474!

In that case, yes, the 6213 and 464 should make a very nice container candle. I would start with a 50/50 blend of each, and adjust from there according to your tastes.

I think you will like the HTP wicks, I use them in my containers, and I think they are a great wick. I try not to let the lean bother me, lol.

For your further research, I would suggest reading forum topics on IGI 4630, as it seems similar to the 6213. And IGI 6006 is a parrafin/soy blend that I think will perform similarly to your proposed blend.

Good luck and have fun!

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Thank you Sarah for the info I would be using 8% fragrance oil would you say that is ok. I have been looking for IGI 6006 but I can’t get it in the UK. I just hope when my stock arrives I can make a candle that will give me a hot throw as at min in c3 I have nothing at all nice cold throw but no hot x

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8% fragrance should give you a good HT, although of course every oil is different.

Remember also that natural waxes need a cure to perform their best. Even in a blend, I would still give candles a good week or more to cure before testing.


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