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Hey everyone :) I'm curious what you all find/have found to be the most important factors in choosing a wax. My go-to for decision making is a good ol' reliable  pro-con list, and so I made a list for each of the two types of wax I'm testing (464 and 6006). I've been working with 464 for about 5 months and just started testing 6006 about a month ago.


I'm a little frustrated because 464 (in my opinion) has more pros than cons, but one of it's cons that I've experienced, which is a big one, is terrible HT. 6006, while it has more cons than pros (again, in my opinion) has an amazing HT. I'm not terribly interested in mixing the two, but I would if I had to. Not looking to try any other waxes at this point either. Thus enters my conundrum. Choosing a wax I enjoy in all aspects except it's hot throw (464), or choosing a wax I less-enjoy but has a great hot throw (6006). 


So I'm interested in hearing about your experiences in choosing a wax.  Are you still working with the first wax you started with, and are you happy with it? Did you try several waxes to find one you were happy with? What was the most important factor in selecting your chosen wax? 


I guess that would depend on what you find most important. My experience has been very similar to yours. I decided to start with 464 because I assumed soy was what people wanted. I played with 464 for several months, was displeased with many appearance issues and inconsistent and inadequate hot throw. So I tested out cb-advanced. Gorgeous appearance! So smooth and creamy with no work. Was not happy with the hot throw again. Then I had to really sit down and figure out what I wanted out of my candles and what I want my brand to be when I finally get there. I prefer strong smelling candles over renewable soy, and my brand is going to be more about the theme than being natural. So I decided to try out 6006. I am still in very early testing stages so I can't really say how I feel about it yet. But those are just my personal experiences. A good ol' pro's and con's list is great and all, but you have to figure out what is worth more to you personally. 


@LittleMissSunshine Yes, agreed that we all have to choose based on what is most important to us personally. Thanks for sharing your experience! & Wishing you the best with your 6006 tests! Right now I'm trying to figure out how to get a full melt pool with 6006. Each wick I've tried so far seems to tunnel. I grew accustomed to the perfect melt pools that 464 gave me with hardly any effort.


@evie I think my wicks are too big. My jar is about 2.9" wide, straight sided, and I tried CD-10 and CD-12. The first test burn it was obvious the 12 was too big, but the 10 was perfect! No flickering, good sized flame. The melt pool seemed fine too, not too big, but full pool by 3hrs. I lit them both again last night and both flames got so big with smoke and everything. It smelled like burning and actually gave me a horrible headache. I had to put them out after just half an hour. Sigh. I'm not even sure where to go from here. Maybe melt them down and re-pour into a jar with a CD-8. What types of wicks are you using? 

Posted (edited)

@LittleMissSunshine Yep, that sounds exactly like what happened with my first few tests! I'm using a 9oz straight sided jar. I started with a CD 10 and 12 just like you. The CD 10 seemed like a great size flame on the first burn, but didn't get to a full MP in 4 hours. The next day when I relit it, the flame was flickering a lot, and just streaming soot. I had poured these test candles without wicks so I could just poke a hole in the solid wax and swap out wicks as needed. I definitely recommend trying that if you haven't.. saves wax/jars/wicks/sanity to a degree lol. I think it was @Flicker that mentioned she does this, and it's been a huge help to me!

So anyway, I switched to a premier 775 for my next burn and while I got zero soot, my melt pool was no closer to being full at 3-4 hours, and tunneled again. So now at this point I've tried CD 8, 10, 12, and Premier 735, 745, 750, 755, 775, 780, 785. None of which have yet given me the non-tunneling melt pool my heart desires. So I'm not totally sure where I'll go next from here yet.

Edited by evie

@evie well I am remelting them right now to try them with CD-8 and CD-7, but I think the 7 will be too small, and you said you've already tried the 8 so that doesn't give me much hope, but I still have to try! I know that even if the melt pool isn't fully to the edge the first few burns it can sometimes catch up in subsequent burns as the jar conducts more heat. If I can't manage that with the 7 or 8 I'm going to try zincs next. 

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