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Soy FO Measure

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Always measure FO by weight. Volumes can be inconsistent, and not accurate every time. A weight measure will be the same no matter what. Think of it this way - which weighs more? 1 lb of bricks, or 1 lb of feathers? Well, they are equal weights, but the volumes are hugely different. Same with FO. (however not near as extreme) 

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Fragrances all have different densities, so a one ounce volume measuring cup might measure more weight in one fragrance and less in another. 


Example, lemon fragrance oils tend to be very "light'. One volume ounce is a good deal less than one weighed ounce.

on the other hand, patchouli can be very dense, so one measure volume ounce is much heavier than one ounce. 


The term for liquid densities is "specific gravity". Many fragrance and essential oil places will list the specific gravities of liquids. This is why some bottles of liquids you receive might seem much more full (or empty) than others.

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