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Id like to chime in here too, if you don't mind, Pam. First off, I can't speak with any first hand knowledge about why the doctor prescribed what he/she has.

Topomax  is generally used for seizures, however, its also used for many other conditions as well, such as severe headaches/migranes. From what your 

describing, some of the medicines can cause headaches. SO maybe the dr prescribed the Topomax to control the side effects from other medicines.

That is so maddening to me. I remember years ago my daughter was given a medicine which in turn caused weight gain + when she told her dr that 

he said " no problem I'll just prescribe you an antidepressant to control the weight WTH ??? Needless to say she found a new dr. There is an important 

role in medicine however it can also be over prescribed. You need to find the right doctor + be sure to communicate accurately. In working in community

mental health for years Ive seen this first hand. Also, meds have to be weaned off very slowly under dr supervision ONLY. You need a baseline and go from 

there. How many dr's are prescribing these meds, more than one. If so, are both drs fully aware what the other one is prescribing ? They only know if you 

are telling them. If I were you , I would check myself in at a hospital. Are you near a large University hospital ? This is no way to live - you need to get some

help Pam, please :) I hope I haven't over stepped my bounds here . Stay well + please get some help !

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I have to agree 

I am not a doctor at all but have seen first hand what to many meds can do to a person, my SIL checked herself into a hospital and they immediately started throwing out meds - she had been seeing different doctors and not telling her psychiatrist other stuff she was on

she is getting a second opinion now thank goodness because the psych after the fact told her all the meds she was taking was fine and to continue them plus added a third antidepressant and then prescribed her adderol to keep awake all day!!  and again I'm not a doctor but she is worse now than she has ever been before, going against the hospital and back on track with her psych and I pray this second opinion will stick and get her the help she needs  


I worry you are on to much and it could be making you worse - please go to a psychiatrist or a new one for a second opinion 

have you been on all these for a long time and all your doctors are aware? Or is this a new med regimen they are trying?


do you see a chiropractor at all?  I understand you have severe back pain and need pain meds but there are some other options out there to help as well to where you may not need so many for the pain  


We are here for you and please check with your doctor or even a pharmacists about everything your taking 

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I'm not upset that you're in my business at all. It makes me feel good that someone does actually care, and someone that's never met me face to face on top of that. I appreciate that you care. I never take the mobic. Its the only one I'm noncompliant with. Reason why is it is a blood thinner and they tell me not to take it or any other blood thinners 7 days prior to my spinal injections. I get the injections every 4 to 6 weeks and got tired of keeping up with it, plus I think it was causing me bad stomach pains. I've told him I dont take it, but he writes the prescription anyway. All the rest of the meds come from 2 different doctors, my pain management doctor and my primary care physician. EACH have a handwritten list of what the other gives me because I always let the other know. My primary care physician gives me the paxil, cymbalta, klonopin, ambien, and blood pressure medicine. Pain management gives me the rest. I am definitely now wanting a second opinion and started looking for a doctor this morning and then didn't know what kind of physician I should go to for a second opinion. I bet there's not a such thing as one that deals in medicine combinations only is there? lol....there should be.

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I would think You need a psychiatrist- a reputable one that can treat depression and anxiety...unfortunately many primary care doctors don't really understand it or the drugs they prescribe 

if you call your insurance company they will give you a list of ones that take your insurance and they will ask you a bunch of questions 

a psychologist I don't believe can prescribe meds you need a psychiatrist 


Please consider it so you can maybe get a different opinion, it can't hurt and hopefully you get on the road to recovery 

keep us posted and remember we care 

Edited by moonshine
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I would maybe choose a neurologist. My son has an amazing neurologist due to his autism & seizures. I've never heard of a pain management dr 

from my personal with my son

primary care givers are not typically comfortable with long term prescribing of pain pills or anything that falls under " mental health " they are for sure qualified but those type of meds are best handled by psychiatrists or neurologists - IMHO . Also, you said you told the dr you don't take the one med & he writes the rx anyhow tells me he/she is not listening or dismissing you. Again

this is how I'm intrepratating it 

doesn't mean that that's the case

Moonshine had a great suggestion of a chiropractor - they can do wonders but like anything / there's good ones & bad ones. It's hard navigating through all this but it can be done. Please keep us posted - we're all routing for you !

we are stronger than we think 

ask me how I know ?? with a child like mine - you have no choice ? 

Edited by Moonstar
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Yes Pam ,please get a second opinion asap.. Birdcharm is right ,we only live once .I think after you go to another doctor & get rid of some of these very dangerous meds ,you will be able to focus on your candle making dream. You can make this happen & never stop believing in yourself. The wax adventure itself is great therapy. It has certainly help me tremendously the past few years .I have faced a lot of tragic loss in my family & been clinically depressed as well.. I am  disabled with spinal stenosis ,fibromyalgia & chronic pain. I have learned the most important thing is to give your troubles to God :)
You have to know he loves you & he will give you strength to face each day. Please have faith in him & ask for guidance ,He has already paved the path for you ,now all you need to do is follow. Spend more time with your goals . I know you can do this & I do understand exactly what your going thru. I have some ideas for you for sure:)

I would say first get to a different doctor & fast .After you start getting off some of these meds ,your going to start to feel much better . I do understand your going to have some really bad days with your pain & this is where your candle making can help. I used to lay in bed when I could hardly move & watch you tube videos on candle making & anything I could to do with wax. You will be surprised how fast your positive energy will decrease your pain. This will take your mind off the pain & you will pick up a lot of tips for your candle adventure. I always keep a notebook handy & write down a lot of tips etc... I think your depression can get better ,just know it takes time. First trust our Lord for guidance & please get another doctor soon. I am here if you ever need to talk ,feel free to PM me anytime .You also have many new friends on here & all are supporting you. Take it easy my friend ,keep calm & things will fall into place. Take all our advice & believe in yourself always. Your friend ,Kat

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Upon reading all the advice here ,please know we care :)

I understand emotional & physical pain as well. You have to find a outlet for your depression & I truly believe candle making is the answer for you.. You mentioned this was your dream ,make it happen Pam . This is the best med you can take for depression .I live it daily believe me. I know a drug is not going to fix my emotional state of mind ,but my wax adventure has truly helped me get thru some very dark tough times. I have learned that I am going to be ok. You can do the same :)

 You have a very smart support group here . The best advice I can give you is the same as the others have said .Please get a second opinion with another MD especially . I completely realize you do need pain management & your pain can be controlled . Moonstar is also correct ,always tell each doctor what you are taking & never stop any drug without consulting your doctor. You will have to taper off. Your going to feel much better soon & my prayers go out to you. Remember pray ,have faith & never ever give up your candle making dreams. You will be pouring in no time & have great success :) Yes keep us posted & reach out anytime you feel the need to do so. We are here for you ,Kat


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I hope to hear something positive from you soon Pam.....Stay positive ,pray & have faith. I have been thru some very tragic events in my life the past few years & I completely understand your pain. The best advice I can give you right now would be trust in God &have faith in his plan. I live with neck ,back & chronic pain. I also have been thru emotional pain due to the loss of both parents along with my 56 year old brother.` I have found that  the best thing to do is set a goal to achieve with your candle making . Take baby steps towards achieving your goal & this will be the beginning of your success.... Take your time until your physically ready to pour your candles . I know if you keep your mind focused on your dream ,this will definitely help your depression. Take notes on fragrances you would like to pour .The containers you would like to use . Learn as much as you can about wicking etc...  Read about candle making online ,this is a great place to start right here....You will find many crafters with years of experience to assist you with any questions you may have. I know depression is hard to overcome ,just know you can get past it . Stay positive & do as much as possible to take steps towards your goal.  Remember the mind is a terrible thing to waste. I think we have all heard this before ,so true . I hope to hear from you soon & that your getting better. Have faith ,let go ,let God :)

Your concerned friend ,Kat

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/20/2016 at 1:13 AM, katmeltswax said:

I hope to hear something positive from you soon Pam.....Stay positive ,pray & have faith. I have been thru some very tragic events in my life the past few years & I completely understand your pain. The best advice I can give you right now would be trust in God &have faith in his plan. I live with neck ,back & chronic pain. I also have been thru emotional pain due to the loss of both parents along with my 56 year old brother.` I have found that  the best thing to do is set a goal to achieve with your candle making . Take baby steps towards achieving your goal & this will be the beginning of your success.... Take your time until your physically ready to pour your candles . I know if you keep your mind focused on your dream ,this will definitely help your depression. Take notes on fragrances you would like to pour .The containers you would like to use . Learn as much as you can about wicking etc...  Read about candle making online ,this is a great place to start right here....You will find many crafters with years of experience to assist you with any questions you may have. I know depression is hard to overcome ,just know you can get past it . Stay positive & do as much as possible to take steps towards your goal.  Remember the mind is a terrible thing to waste. I think we have all heard this before ,so true . I hope to hear from you soon & that your getting better. Have faith ,let go ,let God :)

Your concerned friend ,Kat

Thank you for your love and your support. God and friends like you and others in this group are what iss pulling me thru. I sleep with my Bible next to me. My parents are unbelievably unsupportive too. They are building me a candle workshop with counter tops that are wheelchair height. Isn't that amazing????  I went to my actually spine doctor who has given me hope. There is a new surgery fir my condition. He has ordered an mru to see if I am a good candidate fkr the surgery. It will be very brutal and lengthy recovery time, but worth it if it gives me relief. He wouldn't do the surgery. I'd have to go to Augusta Ga. It wouldn't completely cure me but give me significant relief. I have complete faith in this doctor because he has told me in the past to never let anyone cut on my back again and now he is even excited about this possibility. I've been praying for a new updated medical surgery so maybe this is the answer. Thank you for your friendship. After years of crying and complaining of lain you seem to lose what you thought were true friends. Besides one friend that suffers from chronic pain herself, some of you are ALL I have besides family. I know this is suppose to be a candle group, but you guys are the most aamazing online people I have EVER run across, including a couple of thr online chronic pain groups I'm a member of that I dont even go to any more. I love y'all so much. Wish I could meet y'all face to face!!! Avoid typos due to meds as always!!!!

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I'm copying and posting what I responded to Katmeltswax because the response refers to several of you. Love you all!!


Thank you for your love and your support. God and friends like you and others in this group are what iss pulling me thru. I sleep with my Bible next to me. My parents are unbelievably unsupportive too. They are building me a candle workshop with counter tops that are wheelchair height. Isn't that amazing????  I went to my actually spine doctor who has given me hope. There is a new surgery fir my condition. He has ordered an mru to see if I am a good candidate fkr the surgery. It will be very brutal and lengthy recovery time, but worth it if it gives me relief. He wouldn't do the surgery. I'd have to go to Augusta Ga. It wouldn't completely cure me but give me significant relief. I have complete faith in this doctor because he has told me in the past to never let anyone cut on my back again and now he is even excited about this possibility. I've been praying for a new updated medical surgery so maybe this is the answer. Thank you for your friendship. After years of crying and complaining of lain you seem to lose what you thought were true friends. Besides one friend that suffers from chronic pain herself, some of you are ALL I have besides family. I know this is suppose to be a candle group, but you guys are the most aamazing online people I have EVER run across, including a couple of thr online chronic pain groups I'm a member of that I dont even go to any more. I love y'all so much. Wish I could meet y'all face to face!!! Avoid typos due to meds as always!!!!

Edited by Pamaroma
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