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Nature Gardens Mulberry Fragrance Oil


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Just thought I'd let everyone know this scent is outstanding after a two week cure in Golden wax 464. Mulberry lovers must try this one. I know I broke the rule for most, but I did 2 ounces pp wax. My mother has a huge living room and it smelled the entire room and most of her large one story home. I have a very very small 2 bedroom home and it smelled my entire house. It's a strong, but yet soft hot throw and nice, but not as strong, cold throw as well. I used a cd 12 wick in a 9 oz hexagon jar, but in the future, once I use these jars up, I am going to use 8 oz mason jars from local dollar store to save shipping charges. I'm thinking a cd 10 wick will work for that size jar. If I were selling candles, I have a feeling this one would be a number 1 seller!! Being a new candle maker, and this being my first successful candle, I am VERY proud of myself. Can't you tell? lol

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19 hours ago, moonshine said:


I don't order many NG oils but haven't found a mulberry yet that isn't sickly sweet- is this one like that?

To me it isn't, but you may find it is. It's a soft sweet scent in my opinion. Or it could be that I'm simply just tickled that I've finally made my first successful candle. lol

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