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My favorite lard recipe


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:) This makes a gentle, creamy and economical family soap.


This is for 32 oz oils, which fits most single silicone loaf mold.  I used soapcalc for my calculations.


91  grms Castor (10%)

91  grms Shea butter (10%)

136 grm Coconut oil (15%)

590 grm Armour brand Lard


124 grm Lye (5%)

248 grm Water  (2:1)


2 level TBSP white sugar added to the water and dissolved BEFORE adding the Lye.


Fragrance is a personal preference, but I generally use 1 TBSP tea tree oil per pound of oil, so 2 TBSP for this recipe.

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:) This makes a gentle, creamy and economical family soap.

I was just thinking about making a pine tar lard batch... I have a pound of Armour lard that I was deliberating what to do with it. I can't stand the smell of 100% lard based soap, does blending it knock the piggy smell down a bit? 

Edited by Sponiebr
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8 hours ago, Sponiebr said:

I was just thinking about making a pine tar lard batch... I have a pound of Armour lard that I was deliberating what to do with it. I can't stand the smell of 100% lard based soap, does blending it knock the piggy smell down a bit? 

I make soaps with as high as 40% lard and I now only use the commercial lard like in the photo above.  I have never had the piggy smell that I can smell in my lard soaps.  Years ago a family member gave me a lot of fresh fat when they butchered their hogs and I rendered my own lard.  THAT soap had a very defined "essence of last nights pork dinner" to it that never faded.  It developed the worst case of DOS I have personally ever had and then the mice raided the storage cabinet and they greatly enjoyed the soap that winter.  I never rendered my own fats again and have had really good results from commercial rendered. :)

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14 hours ago, Sponiebr said:

I was just thinking about making a pine tar lard batch... I have a pound of Armour lard that I was deliberating what to do with it. I can't stand the smell of 100% lard based soap, does blending it knock the piggy smell down a bit? 


:) Yes, very much so...in fact I make one batch unscented for a customer and another with just 1/2 TBSP tea tree oil ppo for another and have no complaints.  I'm not partial to 100% lard soap as I get DOS issues...no issues with this recipe.


Also, I refridgerate any left over lard that I don't use to keep it fresh after opening.

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8 hours ago, Moonstar said:

Geez I forgot to ask .... Is the recipe already superfatted or do I need to do that ? Thanks so much again :) 


:) if you look to the side of  the lye amount used, you will see that there is a 5% superfat, so you're good to go.


I calibrated this recipe to fit the Brambleberry 50 oz mold...if you have any left over, scrape it in a little plastic bowl and weigh it...then we'll re calibrate the recipe so its a better fit for you.


:) For the WSP's Crafter's Choice mold, which is a smaller mold, 28 ozs oils fills the mold to the top, then I just level it with a plastic ruler and then cover with wax paper. 


Edited by heartsong
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7 hours ago, Terry said:

For someone who is learning about soapmaking like me - would this  be a CP recipe or HP or can it be used both ways?  


:) Terry, I believe you can use it in either way...I've only HP'd a couple times and prefer CP...maybe someone more experienced can step in to answer this question?


This recipe has a water discount to speed curing in CP soap...I'm not sure if you need to adjust the water amount for HP?

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21 minutes ago, heartsong said:


:) if you look to the side of  the lye amount used, you will see that there is a 5% superfat, so you're good to go.


I calibrated this recipe to fit the Brambleberry 50 oz mold...if you have any left over, scrape it in a little plastic bowl and weigh it...then we'll re calibrate the recipe so its a better fit for you.


:) For the WSP's Crafter's Choice mold, which is a smaller mold, 28 ozs oils fills the mold to the top, then I just level it with a plastic ruler and then cover with wax paper. 


Has anyone told you how amazing you are lately :) Thank you ! 

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8 hours ago, Moonstar said:

Has anyone told you how amazing you are lately :) Thank you ! 


:) Aww, bless your heart...I just love helping others enjoy a craft that I have found so much enjoyment in...My Dad used to say "We're all in the same lifeboat of Life, so it's easier when we all paddle in the same direction."

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5 minutes ago, heartsong said:


:) Aww, bless your heart...I just love helping others enjoy a craft that I have found so much enjoyment in...My Dad used to say "We're all in the same lifeboat of Life, so it's easier when we all paddle in the same direction."

You think like I do :) Your dad is a smart man ! 

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