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Fear of Success?


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Ya know. I dont have fear of succeeding. I have fear of the opposite. LOL

Ok- here comes something that I have always loved. When I got into Mary Kay 6 years ago, I heard a National Sales Director say

" If your goal doesnt scare the crap out of you or doesnt make someone else laugh at you" Your goal isn't big enough".. I love it

When I was a director with MK- I used to tell my unit ( girls under me) the same thing..

So what is your goal??

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I am starting to get there, honestly...before I was worried I wouldn't sell anything...after my first craft show, where it was raining and I still did better than I ever would have dreamed, plus a ton of great feedback about my product, and sales getting better every day...I see this quickly getting bigger than I thought it would. I'm going to meditate on it tonight and see where it takes me.

I still haven't approached any boutiques about carrying my product, partially because I had homework/school to worry about, and partially because I'm just nervous. But 10 people or so have told me "you should sell at such and such boutique" that I'm no longer that scared of rejection. So why am I not making any calls???

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I am a MK consultant too :)

Ya know. I dont have fear of succeeding. I have fear of the opposite. LOL

Ok- here comes something that I have always loved. When I got into Mary Kay 6 years ago, I heard a National Sales Director say

" If your goal doesnt scare the crap out of you or doesnt make someone else laugh at you" Your goal isn't big enough".. I love it

When I was a director with MK- I used to tell my unit ( girls under me) the same thing..

So what is your goal??

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