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Formula for base wax

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I have been offered a large amount of IGI base wax.  I currently use IGI4786 for containers and 4794 for melts.  I have been researching for weeks trying to find a formula of additives to use to get as close as I can to my current waxes.  Is it just a matter of adding vybar 260 or are their other additives?

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Oh heck no.  There are more additives than you can imagine. It all depends on what you what your final wax to do.   Here's a couple sites that list some of the wax additives you can use: http://www.candlewic.com/store/category.aspx?q=c11     http://www.reedwax.com/candle.pdf


Do a google search on wax additives, you'll probably find many more. 

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Guest OldGlory

Hi again :)

I don't use 4794. When I have a question about the need for additives, to what temp to heat the wax, and at what temp to pour the wax, how much fragrance oil a wax will hold, in general all the basic user information for any given wax, I go to a variety of websites that carry that wax and read what the supplier information is provided. (There is a supplier list here on CraftServer.)

I checked both Aztec and Peak for info on 4794 - Aztec offers nothing, Peak offers GREAT information! I bet some other sites will give you even more insight.



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Sorry, I didn't explain myself very well.  The wax that I am being given is just a straight paraffin from IGI.  The MSDS shows it to be the 1000 series.  This same MSDS is available on the Bittercreek website.  I currently use 4786 and 4794 with no additional additives.  I have been using them for over 12 years and am extremely happy with both.  I have read everything that I could find on the IGI website and many others that sell IGI wax.  I have made a list of every additive that I could find with an explanation of what they do.  What I am trying to figure out is if they use some secret ingredient to come up with the blends or is it just a combination of the additives that are available for sell to the public.  


Thank you, Old Glory.  I think Peak has great information.  I had actually used a lot of information on the additives that they sell.  It looks like I might have 1343.  Correct me if I'm wrong, it sounds like Micro and Stearic would basically give me the same result in a container candle.  I get that Vybar would definitely be needed to raise the fragrance load. On the other hand, Peak's Vybar 343 sounds interesting because it would allow me to raise the fragrance load and enhance the mottling.  (I have played around with Glassglow for a year with no success so maybe I'll give that a shot).  As it is, it would only hold 3% fragrance.  Petrolatum softens the wax and helps with adhesion.  


All of this is boggling my mind as I have never used anything more than a little Vybar with vanilla fragrances and UV inhibitor.


Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences.  You all certainly make life easier for many of us.

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Since you use a creamy container wax and a votive wax, maybe instead of trying to make your higher basic melt point wax you can use it for a different purpose.  Add some basic stearic for a more solid pillar candle that will take color very well.  Or add a small amount of oil or fragrance and you can have a lightly scented mottled pillar.  No, it isn't what you already use, but something different, but it would take less testing to just make that wax do something closer to what it is designed for. 

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I've dabbled with melts...but the waste still gets to me, but I'm pretty sure for melts you want a solid when cold wax, but with a lower melt point so that it melts in the warmers easily.  Maybe test the wax first by chipping off a chunk and seeing how it melts in your warmers compared to the melts you already make.  That way you know if it is too hard or not before pouring it with fragrance.  If it works, then vybar should help boost the fragrance hold capacity because without looking it up I'm pretty sure 1343 is only a basic 3% fragrance wax.  I've used it for a pillar blend, but I still like 4625 better, so I stuck with it. 

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