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How many shops do you have?

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Hi All,

Our candle business has been up and running for 7 months. We do pretty well at craft fairs and the like and have sold a little online, but online is definitely slower than we would like it to be. We have our website www.wishuponacandle.com, etsy, and Facebook where we sell, and we also have a presence on Instagram, Tumbler, Twitter, StumbleUpon and Pinterest. I recently learned you can sell on Instagram as well. Does anyone else here sell on multiple sites and if so, what have been your experiences? Is it worth the work maintaining all those separate sites? Thanks!

Edited by Vicky_CO
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I agree. I have 2 and am backing down to 1. I only have the other as bloggers, you tubers and others had a link to my Etsy shop in their content. I never had Etsy on any of my own materials (thank goodness!) as I knew that I would not be there forever. I got a domain and redirected that to Etsy until my website was ready. Now all I have on Etsy is 2 "listings". None for sale. One is my scent list and the other direction on finding my website. Have a plan in place to close it down.

I am certain you know this or have considered but make certain you are clear about your business plan and your social media plan. I see some say that they "put things out on Etsy" and got no sales. Well, you cannot just "put things out". Etsy, website or other is just a platform for transactions. I try and tell people that they would not just rent a physical building, put things in it and wait for people to show up. You must market and drive engagement. The same is even more true online. 

Sometimes, depending on your business plans and goals, lots of channels is good, sometimes it is better with fewer. Only you know your goals.

Also consider what you enjoy. There is an annual artisan event at my corporation where I can attend for free and sell about $800 in the day. I learned that as a perfectionist and a germaphobe that in person events do not make me happy. Hauling and setting up, sticky-fingered adults and kids pawing over product (always had to toss things that could now not be sold), packing it all up and hauling it home was not for me. So, I do no in person events or sales. Instead my focus is all online. I have a business plan, a social media plan and am very strategic (versus just tossing out some stuff to see if it was "the thing" people wanted. This keeps me from responding emotionally or running the business reactively.  Having business rules helps me filter requests, choices and decisions against my own measuring rod.

All the best to you as you build your business! 


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I agree with thinkr and justajesuschick :) I haven't launched my website yet, but from what I have been reading about starting a business it's helpful to research different avenues of selling (think about the pros as well as cons). Also, find one or two sources of revenue and focus only on those; don't stretch yourself thin :D Maybe there's one that better plays to your strengths? I'm a designer and I'm total techie so a personal/e-commerce website is perfect for me! I'd be horrible at Etsy (I'm not competitive in the slightest) and selling in person at a craft fair/booth *shudders*

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I guess I am one that is moving in the opposite direction. I sell wholesale and through venues like craft shows and farmer's markets. I used to have a website with a shopping cart but closed it down after a few years.

For me selling online was something I just ended up hating and the fees just kept going up. On top of that I really, really, hate shipping. It took up all my time and I just don't have the time for it anymore!

So now I have a presence on facebook and a website just for displaying my products and information about them, plus my event calender. I use social media as a way of keeping my customers up to date and staying connected. Even that takes up more time than I really want but I do it as it helps my sales.

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Dandy and Candy (hee-hee you chicks sound like my granddaughter's My Little Ponies-Dandy you even have the pic) you PERFECTLY illustrate my point to the OP!

What are your goals, what do you enjoy, what makes you unhappy (or shudder!). 

It will vary so much from person to person and company to company.

Dandy, I am also in a technology role in my day job. Will be eager to hear what platforms you will consider for your site!


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5 hours ago, justajesuschick said:

Dandy and Candy (hee-hee you chicks sound like my granddaughter's My Little Ponies-Dandy you even have the pic) you PERFECTLY illustrate my point to the OP!

What are your goals, what do you enjoy, what makes you unhappy (or shudder!). 

It will vary so much from person to person and company to company.

Dandy, I am also in a technology role in my day job. Will be eager to hear what platforms you will consider for your site!


Heehee! I'm such a kid at heart :) I'm 28 and not afraid to say I'm ga-ga over My Little Pony! So far, I like Wix.com and my runner up is probably Square and Jimdo gets a somewhat honorable mention too. I really like the templates Wix has. I was frustrated with the site until I realized I had chose a template that wasn't a good fit for me. Once I found one where the overall design layout I was much happier with, you can customize it so beautifully! Even those who aren't the graphic design type can make a stellar website because the editor is easy to use (to some degree there's some drag/drop action too). I normally create websites with Adobe Dreamweaver but the site I'm working on with Wix I admit looks better than anything I've made because it's so streamlined, professional and crisp (if that makes sense!). There are some little things I'm not a fan of, but I'm more than willing to overlook them.

But YMMV :D. I love Wix so far and the pricing doesn't seem to bad either. I did sign-up for a handful before going back to Wix, so I'd definitely say it's worth a looksie! For what it's worth Square comes with a card reader for your mobile device if you sign up with them, in case anyone wants that tool for their store. They mail it to you for free. But I had to verify my SSN upon signing up and they kind of pressure you to add a bank account quickly so you can accept payments. When trying to update the site I was constantly bombarded with the bank account alert despite clicking "Later" and grew tired of it really fast!

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I am all set on my web platform. I was curious if you had selected one. I decided on a platform much larger than what I need so that I can grow with it without the need for much coding. Also love all the App integration that is available.

Sounds like you are well on your way!!

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18 hours ago, justajesuschick said:

Dandy and Candy (hee-hee you chicks sound like my granddaughter's My Little Ponies-Dandy you even have the pic) you PERFECTLY illustrate my point to the OP!

What are your goals, what do you enjoy, what makes you unhappy (or shudder!). 

It will vary so much from person to person and company to company.

Dandy, I am also in a technology role in my day job. Will be eager to hear what platforms you will consider for your site!


LOL I'm 62 going on 10!! Let's just say I have been around long enough to know that to truly live a wonderful stress free happy healthy life is to follow your heart!

One of the best things in life is when you can chuck the 9-5 world and become your own boss!! Working your own hours and doing exactly what you love. A crafting business for me is like a bonus because it allows me to explore my creative side. Something I enjoy a lot.

So when I got tired of my website and the tedious shipping that took up my production time and nickle and dimed me to death I stopped. Best thing I could have done at the time. If later on I am ready to start selling online again I will do it. But for now, no way!! no thank you!

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Thanks so much for your responses, everyone! I think I get overwhelmed because we keep expanding all our social media platforms. I think scaling back might be a good idea, as was suggested by a few of you. Facebook and Twitter are our two biggest social media sites, so keeping those would definitely be important. I would love to be able to have a brick and mortar, but we are in an area that wouldn't be conducive to that. Again, thank you all, I will take your suggestions to heart!


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You will know what is best. Start with a strong base and build on that. I started with a Facebook page and moved to a Group. The Group is about 1,600 members who are really the customer base for the whole business. I am of course, on Instagram and Pinterest but both came after I had a solid customer base and enough data to know from where my customers were coming, what interested them and more.

All the best to you!

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17 hours ago, dandytea88 said:

Heehee! I'm such a kid at heart :) I'm 28 and not afraid to say I'm ga-ga over My Little Pony! So far, I like Wix.com and my runner up is probably Square and Jimdo gets a somewhat honorable mention too. I really like the templates Wix has. I was frustrated with the site until I realized I had chose a template that wasn't a good fit for me. Once I found one where the overall design layout I was much happier with, you can customize it so beautifully! Even those who aren't the graphic design type can make a stellar website because the editor is easy to use (to some degree there's some drag/drop action too). I normally create websites with Adobe Dreamweaver but the site I'm working on with Wix I admit looks better than anything I've made because it's so streamlined, professional and crisp (if that makes sense!). There are some little things I'm not a fan of, but I'm more than willing to overlook them.

But YMMV :D. I love Wix so far and the pricing doesn't seem to bad either. I did sign-up for a handful before going back to Wix, so I'd definitely say it's worth a looksie! For what it's worth Square comes with a card reader for your mobile device if you sign up with them, in case anyone wants that tool for their store. They mail it to you for free. But I had to verify my SSN upon signing up and they kind of pressure you to add a bank account quickly so you can accept payments. When trying to update the site I was constantly bombarded with the bank account alert despite clicking "Later" and grew tired of it really fast!

Dandy is it squareup.com that you can do a website AND get a card reader? I looked and can't see a spot for a website? Am I just being dense? Lol

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1 hour ago, ThisLittleLightOfMine said:

Dandy is it squareup.com that you can do a website AND get a card reader? I looked and can't see a spot for a website? Am I just being dense? Lol

Heehee! No worries! Yup, it's SquareUp! I think they are known too as just Square. Here is the link for the card reader, I hope it's okay to post :)


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7 hours ago, Candybee said:

LOL I'm 62 going on 10!! Let's just say I have been around long enough to know that to truly live a wonderful stress free happy healthy life is to follow your heart!

One of the best things in life is when you can chuck the 9-5 world and become your own boss!! Working your own hours and doing exactly what you love. A crafting business for me is like a bonus because it allows me to explore my creative side. Something I enjoy a lot.

So when I got tired of my website and the tedious shipping that took up my production time and nickle and dimed me to death I stopped. Best thing I could have done at the time. If later on I am ready to start selling online again I will do it. But for now, no way!! no thank you!

That's very understandable! :) I know it's not quite the same but when my Mother-In-Law retired after her job and it's daily grind nearly ruined her health, she says it's the best thing ever!

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Financial man just reminds me that my wax business would need a LOT more zeros in it to replace my full time career! I am ready to go, though! In June I will have been at my corporation 30 years. Longer than Tea has graced the earth! haha!

ThisLittleLight-MANY platforms now incorporate mobile POS with their sites. Mine does. I do not do in person sales so no need, but most of the bigger platforms will. 

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