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Adhesion issues igi4627

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Sorry for the many posts. I have researched through many many forums in regards to igi4627 but still haven't found an answer lol. I am new in working with 4627. I don't know why but I really like this wax however I am having some issues. I have to repour 95% of my candles. I have to heat the wax close to 195 to get it to melt completely. I then add dye and stir, fragrance and stir, then pour immediately. After an hour of setting, the candle will have a dip in the middle but still adhered to the sides on every candle. I then repour and it's fine. Can't figure out what I am doing wrong. Do I mix the dye and frag in the wax while it's still on the burner then take off and pour? I am pouring into 8oz masons, 10oz 12 sided jars, 8oz jellies, and pint masons. I would love to post a pic but having issues. Also need help with tons of wetspots plaguing my jars after it cures. Jars were cleaned well before pours. Any wick suggestions for the 12 sided and regular mouthed pint masons? Thanks everyone

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If you look closely, the wick will be higher and the sides the same, but what happens is the center will gradually cave in by the end of the mold. This pic only shows the beginning of the cave. I'll show a better picture later because I am not at home right now.


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Wet spots are just a part of candlemaking. Embrace them, or drive yourself crazy either way they are just a part of a paraffin candle jars life (for the most part) 


To me it looks like you are pouring way too hot, and that is what is causing the sink holes. Although, for that wax 195 is not too terribly high, so not sure what the problem is. I don't use that wax, so it's hard for me to know for sure. 


I mix everything in after it comes off the heat source. 


Good luck, hopefully someone who uses that wax or is familiar with it will come along and try and help. 

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It's hard to see because the pic is sideways, but if you are pouring up into the mouth of the jar...maybe that is what is causing the wax to sink in around the wick? I would pour right to where the hexagon ends where it starts to taper up. Does that make sense?


You said you perfected it a few days back, sorry just getting to respond now, do you mind sharing what you did to correct this?

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Thanks for responding back. I did perfect two candles but after that blah again lol. I made a jelly yesterday and I poured at 170. Good result! Smooth even top. I made a pint mason regular mouth but had to repour. I poured that at 188. I am going to try 170 again to see if that will be my magic number. I do believe that I may be pouring to high up in my masons. I was actually thinking that myself lol. I am happy to know that you were thinking the same thing hahaha. I will try that next at a higher temp as well at 170 to see if there is a difference. Thank you very much.

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