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Question about Repouring Tester Candles. Can I do this?

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I use IGI 4627 and I have made some tester candles. Let them cure for a week. Cold THrow is great and up close hot throw is too. BUT... I am not getting a full melt pool. I used HTP 104 and 93 in 8oz straight sided mason jars. My question is this. Can I rewick a new jar with a higher wick and melt the tester candle wax and pour into a new jar with the higher wick?? I don't want to "waste" the candle I just feel like it would work better with a bigger wick. Thoughts?

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Sure you can....but you might lose some scent throw.  But since you are just doing to determine wick size, your ok.


What you should do for future testings of wicks is pour your wax into your jar, (without any wick in it) and after it hardens or pretty close to it, take a skewer or something like that and insert it right down the center of your candle and then let that candle cure.  Now when you go to test burn it. if the wick is not doing right for you, all you have to do is just pull the wick out, put another one in and your ready for another test jobby! :)   Hope this helps a bit.



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