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Where to find almond meal?


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Now where have I seen this? I know I saw someone who carried it but can't remember who. I want to get some and can't remember who carries it. I've read that its a makes a great mild exfoliant for soap.


Or can I make my own? If I buy raw almonds and grind them myself is that the same? Do I need to blanch them first and remove the skins? I do like making my own additives from scratch when I can. I used to make my own almond milk. To do that you have to blanch the almonds then put them in your blender with water to make the milk. Its delicious with a little bit of honey or molasses.


Hmmm... maybe I should just make almond milk for my liquid.

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After some more research I just found out that almond meal and flour are pretty much the same. I also found out its cheaper to do it on my own.


I'm going to do what you do Chefmom and grind my own. Do you blanch them first to take off their skins? or leave them on? Are the skins on the almonds what gives them that exfoliation feeling in the soap? Also, how long do you grind and do you buy whole almonds or the slivered? raw or roasted? Sorry about all the questions. I just really want to try this and not sure where to start. Thanks!

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Maybe this will help? 

(I know nothing about it, so disregard if it doesn't help! LOL) 




This is a quote from the 2nd process of making Almond Meal - 


"While there is no official difference between almond flour and almond meal, the unofficial difference is that flour contains blanched almonds and meal contains almonds with the skins still intact."

Edited by Jcandleattic
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Thanks JC! That article was perfect! Not only that I probably would not have even thought about the shelf life until it was too late. Now I know how to make it and just how much to make. Thanks bunches!! :)


BTW-- I bookmarked it so I can always review it before I make it. Love the pictures! They are very helpful!

Edited by Candybee
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I buy whole raw almonds for baking and eating and store them in the freezer.  I roast them a little at a time to eat or bake with etc, and if I need them in soap I just grind them in the food processor as is, I don't skin them.  I grind until they are quiet.  If you grind any you will know what that means!!  They are noisy to begin with!!


They come out fine, but not almond flour fine.  If I need almond flour I just buy it, but I store it in the freezer.  The family loves almond macaroons and almond meringues.  :)

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You are making my mouth water! I love macaroons! I am leaning more towards making my own. I am just afraid that if I buy it already made it won't have much of a shelf life or it could already be rancid. Buying raw almonds and grinding them as I need them sounds more practical. Plus, I have almonds to snack on too so they won't go stale.

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