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Hello Everyone,

I have seen some nice products throughout the board and I'm really impressed with everyone's work. I hope I can get as good as everyone else. My problem is, I dont know where to start. I want to start off with making M & P soaps , bath melts, bath fizzes and body butter. Is there a basic technique I can start off following? It would be nice to know how others started off. Any information is much appreciated.

Thank You

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Hello! I started with candles, then after about 18 months moved on to M&P and tub truffles, etc. Now I'm into CP, scrubs (love scrubs) and other various things. I'm kind of new "here" but I bet if you look in the receipe section you can find a few recipes to get you started.

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Welcome! We've got some basic instructions for M&P, and M&P chunk soaps on the candletech website http://www.candletech.com/bathbody.htm

You can find most of those other products in the recipe forum, or discussions here.

Good places to start - lots of people do the non-water type products since they're easier. Like me :) I started w/ candles, then jumped into CP, then whipped shea, bath fizzies...... it will grow on you :) It's nice because a lot of these type products use the same ingredients.

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Just asked this question myself a few threads down: (Note: I've never made soaps myself...I am a chandler) ;) Here is some help from tlc26 for both of us (thank you)

Big difference!! gonna grab you some links and add them.

Check out these links. Looking at the process will help you understand the difference

http://www.candletech.com/coldprocess/ The first few paragraphs really give you a good idea of the differences


mp you just buy a base, melt, add stuff (if you want) and pour

cp, you make it from scratch, you buy lye and oils, etc.

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