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I am new at candle making and I am still trying to find a good reputable supplier. I have tried Candle Science and have good luck so far. It's tricky trying to find the right wick to use with a specific jar type. Has anyone ordered FOs through The Candle Makers Store? Is so, any thoughts or suggestions? TIA

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Since you are new you may not have seen Vicky's thread at the top of this forum. Its a sticky thread entitled Suppliers by State: http://www.craftserver.com/topic/51483-supplier-by-state/


Lots of excellent candle suppliers to use. A lot can also depend on where you are located as far as delivery times and shipping costs. For example I live on the east coast so I tend to order from Candles Science, Peaks (they have a distribution center in PA), Fillmore Containers, Candlewic, etc.  There are more suppliers on the east coast but those just happen to be the ones I like.


For FOs you may try asking over in the fragrance forum. Also, if you do a search you may find some reviews on the candlmaker store's FOs.

Edited by Candybee
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Thank you both for your suggestions. I am using 464 (with 8" tins) and am loving it. However, I got brave and decided to try to make a 12 inch jar container (not straight sides). It looks really pretty and has great CT. The problem is that there is very little HT. I didn't realize at the time there was a curing period and I lit the candle a few days later (burned about 5 hours). I put the lid back on it and left it alone for 7 days. I relit it last night and the throw was a little better, but it's not burning a full MP. I am thinking I should've wicked up. My plan is to try and melt it down and re wick with a larger wick. I used the Pink Magnolia from candle science and LOVE the CT, so I am hoping my plan works :/

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I love the Pink Magnolia FO. It's one of my favorites. 464 throw can be tricky. I made a 6oz Hydrangea candle back in October and totally forgot about it. I lit it the other day and it smelled up my whole house. Just a little 6ozer. Keep experimenting. It really is like reaching the promised land once you get it right. Candle Science has great oil, so if you're not getting the HT, let them sit a bit longer and then start experimenting with different wicks and fragrance loads until you find a combo that you really like. Good luck!

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Guest OldGlory

Thank you both for your suggestions. I am using 464 (with 8" tins) and am loving it. However, I got brave and decided to try to make a 12 inch jar container (not straight sides). It looks really pretty and has great CT. The problem is that there is very little HT. I didn't realize at the time there was a curing period and I lit the candle a few days later (burned about 5 hours). I put the lid back on it and left it alone for 7 days. I relit it last night and the throw was a little better, but it's not burning a full MP. I am thinking I should've wicked up. My plan is to try and melt it down and re wick with a larger wick. I used the Pink Magnolia from candle science and LOVE the CT, so I am hoping my plan works :/

I am really curious about an 8" tin. Is that 8" tall or wide? Just a word of caution for a newbie - if you are testing each candle/wax/wick/fragrance combination (suggested) a 2 or 3" tall container would be a lot better.

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I was actually using 8 oz tins, not 8". I guess there's a slight difference. lol

They have worked out well for me so far. I'm thinking about trying the Pink Magnolia again only with IGI 6006 this time. I've read good reviews for this product and it seems it might be a better place to start. Any suggestions and advice would be very much appreciated.

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I used to use Candlemaker's Store a lot, but can't handle the shipping costs to me anymore. I have a few of their oils that are staples in my line, but I've had an equal amount of misses/disappointments. Community Candle is a supplier that is only an hour and a half drive from me, so I'm starting to use them more. I love Peak, Candle Science and Nature's Garden oils.

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