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Eggnog Spiced Chai


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This isn't a fragrance I have but a fragrance idea.


This morning I made some spiced chai tea and instead of putting my usual coffee creamer in it I saw that I still had a some eggnog left over I needed to used up. So, I put some of in the chai tea and sprinkled some ground nutmeg on top and Wow! It was delicious and smelled wonderful. I had 2 large mugfuls and loved it. I'm going to have some more tomorrow and the next day until I am out of eggnog. LOL


So I thought why not try this with some FOs? So if you want something different and you have a fav eggnog and a chai tea scent you can try combining them. I think the eggnog would also work with a nutmeg type scent.

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YAY another mixer! I've said it many times, and it's because it's true, I LOVE mixing scents. I've only been doing it for about a year and a half or so, but I really do love it. 


Another great idea. That scent combo sounds like it would be a pretty good one. 

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