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Sales during the Recession yrs


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Uh.... Whoops. My wife has always said I have a mouth problem. By flighty I mean you(corporate you) act like the under 40 crowd. Clueless. Oh darn, there went my mouth again. lol

Seriously, I have found that the over 50 crowd are much more dependable and no longer even own the "It's all about ME" t-shirt. When we hire, we do not hire anyone under 30 and try not to hire the 30-40 group. No work ethic.

Gotcha....I wasn't sure if you were referring to the employees you hire as flighty in that age group or us chandlers trying to run a business at that age group....as far as hiring I couldn't agree more, our other business's I apply the same concept- I will not hire young people or people with young families- I go for the older retired but yet still need to work and know HOW to work! Lol

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Uh.... Whoops. My wife has always said I have a mouth problem. By flighty I mean you(corporate you) act like the under 40 crowd. Clueless. Oh darn, there went my mouth again. lol

Seriously, I have found that the over 50 crowd are much more dependable and no longer even own the "It's all about ME" t-shirt. When we hire, we do not hire anyone under 30 and try not to hire the 30-40 group. No work ethic.

 It seems that most of the kids nowadays do NOT have any work ethics at all. If they have a bad day at work, they quit, if they want a day off, they call in sick. Good gracious....what some of them look like anymore....yikes....what happened to those wonderful dress codes? Those kids that are driven and have the work ethics of us older folks will leave the lazy ones behind in the dust. Then later, when the lazy kids have nothing , they will want everything that the driven kids have worked hard for. 

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