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New needing help with scent bars


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Hello!  I recently decided I would like to try making scent bars - like the Scentsy bars.  I had some wax I had bought about 10 years ago.  Made one candle and put it aside.lol  I dug it out recently and used this mystery wac to make some bars and it worked great but the individual I bought it from is no where to be found.  So.  I bought some Pillar of Bliss and Joy Wax from Natures Garden trying to find a comparable wax. 



Here is where I need help. 


The JoyWax is soooo soft.  I do think I added too much EO to wax (1.2 eo to 8oz of wax)  It is so soft I can't pop it out of the clamshell. Is that par for the course for JoyWax - to be soft or do I need to remelt.  I'm sure I will probably lose my EO. 


Are these even good waxes for the scent bars?  I wish I would have found this forum before I bought the waxes. :D

Edited by scarlett
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Joy Wax is a container wax, so you need to make it harder to get your wax to come out. So you might refrigerate what you've made and see if you can pop it loose. Then I would remelt it and combine it with your pillar of bliss. Having not worked with either wax, I can't help you in regards to a percent of combination, but you might try a 1:1 ratio between the waxes and alter from there. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm getting discouraged.  My testing is so all over the place.  Can anyone help?  I have been testing wax.  When I find what I think is a good mix.  The next batch (different FO) - you can hardly smell!  AUGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!  Is that how it is?  How do I know what wax blend is the best?  Or is it just FO strength?  So confusing!!

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It can be discouraging! It took me a LONG time (and a lot of money and patience) to land on a wax. Once I had that, not all FO's work well with my blend. I only have 45-50 scents in my line yet I buy from 8 or 9 suppliers. Not everyone's birthday cake is comparable, as an example. I worked and worked to find oils that worked best. Across suppliers.


May I ask some questions?


What wax have you decided upon? How are you melting it? What temp are you heating it?

What temp are you adding FO? How much FO are you adding per pound?


Perhaps these questions can help uncover if there is anything that you could be doing other than trying different FO's from various suppliers.

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It can be discouraging! It took me a LONG time (and a lot of money and patience) to land on a wax. Once I had that, not all FO's work well with my blend. I only have 45-50 scents in my line yet I buy from 8 or 9 suppliers. Not everyone's birthday cake is comparable, as an example. I worked and worked to find oils that worked best. Across suppliers.


May I ask some questions?


What wax have you decided upon? How are you melting it? What temp are you heating it?

What temp are you adding FO? How much FO are you adding per pound?


Perhaps these questions can help uncover if there is anything that you could be doing other than trying different FO's from various suppliers.

Its a POB and Joywax blend.  I am melting it with a double boiler.  The highest temp it is heated to is about 178.

I add FO at 150 or below and lately I've been adding 1oz to 8 oz of wax trying to get better scent.


So, what about a wax blend makes you choose it if not all FO's work with it?  Should I stick with this blend and just experiment with FO's? 


Thank you!

Edited by scarlett
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Well, I have not used parasoy for a long while so I may be of no help. I do not use waxes that are proprietary to one supplier. Perhaps others who use these, or similar waxes will come along and help.


I heat my wax to 190 and add FO at 185. It really does make a difference in scent throw for me given my wax blend.


I guess that I never expected that all FO's would work for me. I have tested over 500 FO's and have just kept 40 or so. I wish that they all worked or that I liked them all. Or perhaps not. I'd have a huge line to manage!

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I primarily make candles, but I have been making the wax melts to be able to offer beside my candles.  I have not thrown myself into the wax melts like I did candles, but I think I might have some advise.


In my honest and humble opinion....the wax blend should do what you want as a wax.  It looks good in the end, it pops out of the molds or clamshells etc that you are using, it is easy to clean up, it needs to fill the desire that you want in the end.


After that, you want it to carry that scent as long as possible....obviously.  However, all fragrances are different and some will work and many will not.  So in the end, make the wax what YOU want and then find the fragrances that work with that wax.


If you try different waxes AND different fragrances...then you will succeed in making yourself well and truly nuts.

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Well, I have not used parasoy for a long while so I may be of no help. I do not use waxes that are proprietary to one supplier. Perhaps others who use these, or similar waxes will come along and help.


I heat my wax to 190 and add FO at 185. It really does make a difference in scent throw for me given my wax blend.


I guess that I never expected that all FO's would work for me. I have tested over 500 FO's and have just kept 40 or so. I wish that they all worked or that I liked them all. Or perhaps not. I'd have a huge line to manage!

I add the scent when the temp is lower than the flashpoint. That is right?

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I primarily make candles, but I have been making the wax melts to be able to offer beside my candles.  I have not thrown myself into the wax melts like I did candles, but I think I might have some advise.


In my honest and humble opinion....the wax blend should do what you want as a wax.  It looks good in the end, it pops out of the molds or clamshells etc that you are using, it is easy to clean up, it needs to fill the desire that you want in the end.


After that, you want it to carry that scent as long as possible....obviously.  However, all fragrances are different and some will work and many will not.  So in the end, make the wax what YOU want and then find the fragrances that work with that wax.


If you try different waxes AND different fragrances...then you will succeed in making yourself well and truly nuts.

I'm already going nuts but your response has helped! :)

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Taken from Candle Science website:


What is flashpoint?
The flashpoint is the temperature at which a fragrance can combust if exposed to open flame or spark. Adding fragrance oil to wax that is above the flashpoint will not cause it to combust. With fragrance at room temperature and no flame there is no cause for concern

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Oh my gosh!  How interesting is this?!?!  So how did you choose 180-185??

I read here about the importance of finding the right temp to add FO given your wax type.


Well, I just tried adding the FO at 185.  Wish me luck!

Cannot wait to hear how you do. Did you also do a control batch with an FO that you have done well with? That will help you know if your wax blend is an issue or if it is just an FO that is not so great-or not so great with your wax.

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I read here about the importance of finding the right temp to add FO given your wax type.


Cannot wait to hear how you do. Did you also do a control batch with an FO that you have done well with? That will help you know if your wax blend is an issue or if it is just an FO that is not so great-or not so great with your wax.

JustaJesusChick I did not do a control batch.  That is a great tip.  I'll do one tomorrow.  Thank you!

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I read here about the importance of finding the right temp to add FO given your wax type.


Cannot wait to hear how you do. Did you also do a control batch with an FO that you have done well with? That will help you know if your wax blend is an issue or if it is just an FO that is not so great-or not so great with your wax.

Do you also let them "cure" before you try them or are they good to go as soon as they are cool?

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