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Thinking of selling my candle business. Any ideas on how to approach this?


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I am thinking of selling my candle business bc I am moving to Puerto Rico and I don't think it will be feasable to do business from there. I am just thinking of some alternatives or whether or not I will just rent a place and make my candles from where I curretly live. I've been making candles for 14 years now. I am currently in 6 Wholefoods Market stores and a few other stores in my area. There is so much potential to grow this business but I don't have the time to make the business grow by myself. My husband helps me out alot but It could be so much bigger. I wondered if anyone would possibly be interested in buying or maybe even partnering up. Just thought I would throw this out there to test the waters and if there are any suggestions.

Thank you

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Why do you think it won't be feasable to do business from Puerto Rico? If you have been in the busness for 14 yrs, you shouldn't just give up on it. Get yourself a website or set yourself up on Etsy, Ebay or Amazon. You can sell it from there sites. Going Global via the web would make it so much bigger, not to mention, you may start a new trend in Puerto Rico. You could be a pioneer of candle making and selling, become extremely famous. I don't think you should give up on something you clearly enjoy doing just because your moving. Give it some more thought before selling. Look into the online options. Good luck to you and I hope you make the right decision.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi,  No I haven't.  But I have an an account in Puerto Rico now, and the only way to ship, is small orders using flat rate or big orders using parcel post which can take 3-4 weeks to get there.   I would really need to figure it out.   Maybe just do business on the island.   Just have a lot of serious thinking to do.  Thank you very much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can you give a little more information about the size of your business - how many candles you sell per year or how many total customers you have and the part of the country you are in?  I know some people who have purchased candle businesses before.

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