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Going to brave an order with Candlemaker's Store again. Care to help?


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I use quite a few that I like. I have chosen some duds and those were dupes that didn't smell anything like the originals (Twilight Woods and Dark Kiss---waaaay off)!

I love their Midnight Pomegranate. It is a huge seller for me. One of my all time favorites of theirs is Blackberry Amber. I also like Lemon Custard, Fir Clove, Pumpkin Cornbread, Sea Blossom and many others.

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I do recommend getting the sample sizes for new/untried scents, though. I have chosen quite a few I didn't care for. Other people may have thought they smelled good, but they just weren't my cup of tea. Most of those were FOs with names that gave no idea what they smelled like (Egyptian Dragon, Celestial are two I can think of right off hand). I never bothered to pour them, so don't know if they bloom into something better in wax or not.

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FW- I get small/samples from every supplier first. Makes no sense to order big bottles since my ratio of try to keep is s small. I cannot imagine that I'd have over 500 1lb bottles in my wax room when I just use about 40!

Lorelei-thanks for the suggestions!

Daisy-you got it. Over 1000 FO's but no descriptions. I understand their reasoning which is that scent is subjective but scents all have notes. I'd order far more from them if I even knew that. Too hard to know which of their Christmas named scents have evergreen or not, for example. This order looks like almost all dupes. At least I know what those are supposed to smell like. I am too safe a person for their reasoning!!

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FW- I get small/samples from every supplier first. Makes no sense to order big bottles since my ratio of try to keep is s small. I cannot imagine that I'd have over 500 1lb bottles in my wax room when I just use about 40!

Lorelei-thanks for the suggestions!

Daisy-you got it. Over 1000 FO's but no descriptions. I understand their reasoning which is that scent is subjective but scents all have notes. I'd order far more from them if I even knew that. Too hard to know which of their Christmas named scents have evergreen or not, for example. This order looks like almost all dupes. At least I know what those are supposed to smell like. I am too safe a person for their reasoning!!

Yeah, reading the descriptions is a huge thing for me. Obviously we can't smell the oil so I get reeled in by how good they make it sound. Kinda a bummer, I could be missing out on some good ones:cry2::cry2:

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I think I am going to order kind of light, try the 9 I have chosen and see how I do from there. How it normally works for me, I will like 1 and then pay full shipping to get 1, 16 oz. bottle!!

Thanks so much!!

Hey Karen!

Just wondering how these oils worked out for you. Was thinking of trying a few. TIA

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I just poured them yesterday. I will wait to melt to know for certain but I was not super excited over any of them.

Farmer's Market-Yankee type smells like Amish Harvest, not like Yankee's fruity version with light spice at all. Midnight Pomegranate, BBW type smelled like strawberry and old perfume. I used to be a Midnight Pomegranate addict. I had it in EVERY format in which it was made and this was not even close. I know, types and dupes are just that but it was nothing like what I had and used for years.

I really need to focus on finding more I like with suppliers that I currently use rather than adding another.

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I use Midnight Pomegranate and mine doesn't smell like strawberries or perfume. It smells like others I've used from other suppliers and is a great seller for me. I'm sorry you didn't have a good experience, though. I have used their oils for years. I will say the last few samples I bought didn't do a thing for me, so they may not be one of my main suppliers much longer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Has anyone tried their Boysenberry? Just reading that name makes my mouth water. I grew up eating Boysenberry syrup (I think it was Knotts Berry Farms brand) on waffles/pancakes, etc., and would love to find a scent that smells like that syrup. 

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I order from them, but mostly waxes. I tried 2 of their scents and didn't really care for them. I thought they seemed weak. I tried Cherry Float & Birthday Cake... but this was a few months ago and I mixed it in Advanced! <------ sucky wax, will never use it again. I have 90 pounds sitting here! Made pretty candles but scent throw was terrible.

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