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How available are you to your customers?


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Hi there,

I'd like to ask you a question, as I am so unsure about it: very often customers call me on the weekend, sometimes even on sundays (not to speak of emails, but most of them written in a manner that clearly says they expect an immediate answer).

Yesterday for example I have accompanied my son to a soccer tournament from morning to early afternoon. When I came home the phone rang (my hubby told me that this person has called for hours every few minutes). She also had emailed me and I answered her question (nothing too important). She called anyway again and then I answered the phone telling her (friendly and politely of course) to check her emails. She said "I couldn't reach you on the phone!" and I just told her that on the weekend my family has priority, again in a friendly and polite way.

Of course I understand them, but I don't have a brick-and-mortar-business with official opening hours nor am I Amazon. I answer all emails even on sundays but I am not willing to answer phone calls all weekend long. I was so exhausted after christmas and needed some quiet and rest that it took me so long to take up work again....I need to keep some time business-free or I fear to get ill again. But I don't want to annoy my customers. And of course I don't want to lose customers who intend to order but go somewhere else because they get their phone calls answered on the weekend. We all need the money, right? But where is the line?

How do you handle this?

Thank you for giving me your advice (on a sunday:wink2:, if you don't mind! Oh, well, no - enjoy your weekend, monday is just as fine for me!)

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I don't have my candle business up yet but my husband and I have a small business making outdoor furniture so we deal with that a little bit. We have a website that clearly says we will respond to all emails within 24 hours. Although we normally respond much sooner than that, I did that so we had a little bit of cushion if we were busy on the weekends.

You could always put something on your business cards (or website if you have one) stating "available by phone/email Mon-Sat 8:00-5:00", or something similar. It probably won't stop it completely but might help. You definitely don't want to burn yourself out by trying to be available any minute someone might need you. As a customer, I would not expect to get an answer on a Sunday anyways.


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Is your phone number dedicated to the business, or shared with your personal phone number? If it is shared, i'd get one dedicated to the business right away. Calls like that would drive me and my family nuts.

Many businesses have posted operating hours, after which the calls go to voice mail. It is tempting to want to be at your customers' beck and call 24/7, but that is, as you have found, a formula for burnout and exhaustion. Unless you are on call for some emergency service it should be perfectly fine to give yourself a break. Turn off the phone and enjoy your time off. :)

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My parents have their own business and have run & operated the business in the home for the last 50 years. It has taken over and they really don't get time for themselves, however, my dad's business is respected by the community and customers. He's made it a point to respect the customer and the customer is always right rule of thumb. The business is open 7 days a week, 9 to 5 during the winter months and 9 to 9 during the summer. Vacations are few & far between.

As for my candle/soap business, I'm available anytime as I work from home and it is only me. I answer emails as soon as I receive them most of the time and return phone calls when I get them. I guess some of my dad's mind set rubbed off on me.

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Guest OldGlory

Boundaries. Which you have to put in place. You have to communicate your expectations to your customers and don't vary from your rules. Maybe that's "Thank you for your interest in (company name)! I can be reached by phone Monday - Friday 10 am until 4 pm, otherwise you can reach me by email. If I am pouring candles and unable to answer my phone please leave a message. I will do my best to respond to your phone call the same day and to email within 48 hours."

When I was full time in my business, I was careful to tell my customers when they could reach me by phone, and only my cell phone, and the rest of the time they had to email me. I still only take orders by email because I want written proof of the order.

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Tahnk you all for your advice - I see I have to set boundaries. OldGlory, your example is great, I will use it for myself if I may.

Orders are only accepted in written form, but sometimes they call to ask you one hundred things...sometimes those phone calls take half an hour or more. I just cannot work if I am always interrupted by the phone. After all I am alone and don't have a secretary.

Thank you again!!

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Guest OldGlory

Many of us learned how to run our businesses AS we were already running them. You are in good company!

And, maybe I speak for myself here, but those lessons I learned the hard way will never be forgotten. Enjoy the journey!

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Absolutely agree... set boundaries. I learned very quickly how customers can virtually "run" you over, not that they realize or intentionally mean to. Much as I wanted to provide that awesome customer service, 24 hours a day, to every client,,,,I simply couldn't be on call 24/7. I have my cell take the messages. Before my cell I let my answering machine pick up my calls with a message to leave your message and I'll return your call during business hours.

I LOVE my business and LOVE my personal time,,,it's so important to have a distinction between the two, a time you can sit down and breathe, relax and not jump to grab the phone every time it rings. Not that I don't check out competition and pricing while I'm out on vacation visiting the stores,, but I try extremely hard to step away from business once in a while.

I have a photo frame on my wall that says,,, never get so busy making a living, that you forget to make a life.

I owned a business in my home for 26 years, doing one thing or another,,,,Opened my candle biz in 1999... 3 years ago I opened a store front with my candle business.... on my gosh, I wish I had the money to do it before that... I was finally not living in my business,,nor my business living with me... :)

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Yes, I have to more strictly separate business from private. At the moment it all mixes up too much. And I really have tojust force myself to do my exercises and some sport every day and not think "I have no time, I have to work". I surely have almost no time if I look at my to do lists because very often it takes me so long getting my things done and always things are piling up. Makes me nervous again. But I really have to take care of myself, I have learned this before christmas.

Thansk again,


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