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Dying glass jars

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Hey all!

I just started making candles and have been reading the boards for a while and this is my first post! I tried searching for this but didn't find anything so I do apologize if this has been discussed.

I'm in the process of testing some candles, but was wondering if anyone has tried dying their glass jars? I saw a DIY with dyed mason jars that looked very cute, and plan on trying it tonight but was curious if anyone has experience with it.

I'm using gb464 at the moment and testing with 8 oz jelly jars...this is the tutorial that got me thinking http://www.freutcake.com/art-design/diy-colored-glass-mason-jars/

TIA for any insight!

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Those do look nice dyed like that. I would have never of thought to do something like that. I can see how putting votives in them would work but I wonder if actually pouring wax in them would work. Of course it would be better not dying the wax. Cute idea!

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Since the mod podge is on the inside of the jar my concern would be that it can't handle the high heat put out with a flame when a fully poured candle is inside the jar. A tea light burns at a much lower temperature, but a regular candle is going to be hotter.

Also, would the mod podge break down in that heat?

They are cute, I wonder if they can be washed after the baking process. And.......what kind of fumes do they make when you bake them in the oven? That would be my first concern.

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I know it is not the same as making something yourself but I wondered if you have seen the blue Heritage Ball Mason jars? Some here have made some beautiful things with them. I just some of these recently still on store shelves. You will see that she mentions that they will/may be releasing green and purple next year:


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Ah thank you justajesuschick! I've seen these at my local hardware store but at an insane price so was hoping for a DIY version. The link you posted has a store in CT, which is where I grew up and will be spending a week for Xmas so maybe I'll make a stop. Also purple is my favorite color so I'm hoping that is true!

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I see that I omitted the word "saw" from my post. I saw them at Target. I think they were $10 for 6 jars. I do not know if you have Ace Hardware stores in your area, but they are cheaper there:


Our local Ace store's (RIGHT by our house) manager has us order things we need from them rather than the site. They ship to the store. The store gets credit for the sale and we get a call to drop by and pick it up with no shipping cost.

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I have been testing painted mason jars for months because I not only make candles but sell solar lid lights for mason jars. Modge podge is great but won't work for candle because the glue will get pasty once you add the wax and it will really look bad. I have done a couple of paints on the outside of jar that looks great. There is a Martha stewart liquid fill paint that I thought looked good and it is cured in the oven and dishwasher proof. Also another pain glass paint I found on Amazon, Pebeo Vitrea 160 Glossy Glass Paint. Really like that one. Actually painted some jars and someone bought them immediately. I also painted some of my regular candle containers that I used for my bugoff candles this summer and I must say they looked really nice outside. Plan on practicing more this spring.

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Wow thanks so much for all of the ideas! I was going to try doing the outside but am having such a hard time finding liquid food coloring. Who knew that would be difficult? I thought that would be the easiest part haha

redraider, I think I'm going to try one of those methods. Once I try some things I'll try to post some pictures and let everyone know how it turned out. I have all of next week off (YAY) so I'll probably try some things then! Thanks again

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Good Luck. The main problem with the mod podge on the outside is first getting it on there but even once that is done if the jar gets wet at all it will get sticky. Even if you cure it in the oven. I will say even the liquid fill I mentioned feels a little "tacky" when I touch it but I think that is because I got too much on it. I was thinking of trying to spray it next time. The other paint did really well but make sure you get the thinner to go with it and very lightly brush it on. I have had great result with using spray paint on the inside of the mason jars but that is for the ones I use with the solar lids. Not sure how a candle would do.

Edited by redraider
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