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Scent Works?


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After a few years of not making candles and melts I have decided to get back into the business. I have been planning and researching for months. I have decided on what soy wax blends I want to test and had finally narrowed down my scent list. Some of the scents I am the most excited to start testing come from TSW. After reading a post wondering if they are going out of business I tried sending them an email and it was returned, unable to send, their FB page seems to be gone, and they haven't posted on Twitter since Oct.

So does anyone know if they have went out of business?

Thank you,


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Hi Dibays,

I ordered from them about a month ago. After having not received my order for almost 2 wks, I called them and left a message (don't call during the weekend as they shut their phone off) asking where my order was. I got my order 3 days later, but it was short the Pink Sugar that I wanted to try. Evidently , they were holding my order expecting the Pink Sugar to arrive and that would have been fine, but I had orders and I told them in the message that I needed my order sent ASAP. I am sad I didn't get the Pink Sugar...BUT I will be ordering from them again soon (LOVE, LOVE their scents!!) and will just re-order it at that time. They have some of the most beautiful unique scents available! :)

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If they held an order for an OOS item, i wonder if if the order was placed before their policy change on the checkout page. It used to give an option of holding an order for a backordered item. Now it reads it will ship without the missing item and a credit will be given.

Imhave has whole orders canceled due to backordered or OOS stuff that appeared on the site. Frustrating, but they have things i truly need. So when i test the waters and find things i use are in stock, i buy extra.

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I could have sworn that I checked the send order anyway if anything is oo stock. I totally understand about suppliers running oo product and having to reorder and if I hadn't been in such a hurry to get the others, I wouldn't have cared. But, I still needed to know what was going on with the order, my bank was "holding" the amount of the order placed with them and they hadn't let me know what was going on so I was concerned. I just needed my other scents to fulfill an order. I love their stuff and will be ordering from them again and will try getting the Pink Sugar then. :) I have been getting AWESOME feedback on some of their scents that I have made product with. :)

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Puma 52 get the pink sugar from ICS its every bit as good as SW


Thank you Karen. In that case, I have already found the best Pink Sugar as I have been buying ICS's for a couple of years now and love it. I just thought perhaps there was a better one out there. I am going to quit chasing my tail on this one....stick a fork in me, I'm done. ICS Pink Sugar is it for me! :) Thanks again!

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