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Advice for soaping midsummers night from peaks?


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I see on reviews it likes to accelerate and rice. Has anyone Cp'd it successfully? I have only had one ever rice and accelerate on me and it ended up being Hp'd. But I have been reading to bring the oils and lye water down to like 85 degrees before combining. and adding the FO at a light trace. How (IF) do you CP it with no acceleration and ricing? This is hubbys cologne (well drakkar which I also have but also reviews say the same thing) So I really want to make it, I know ppl have been able to do it.

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Haven't soaped that one before but have had some FOs that accelerated and one that riced. I tend to soap at room temp and add cold milk to my soap batter after I have already added my lye. It helps reduce any heat while I am blending. I would think CP at room temp should be okay. If it turns to soap on a stick do you have a crockpot handy to save it? Or you could HP it then add the FO after saponification with no problems.

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