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I did a run of 50 container candles last week and today I was checking them out and 70% had bubbles in them and some wet spots. I have not changed anything. I use 4627 wax and the same FO as always. I have to fix them by lightly reheating the area effected and run the bubbles to the top. This is a first for me. Any insight as to why this happened. I do clean the inside of the new containers with alcohol and wipe it clean. Any advise is welcome.

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Cracker--I am interested to see responses on this because the same exact thing is happening to me! There are so many bubbles/wet spots in some of my candles the almost look “diseased” LOL. I also wipe out the container and heat them before pouring. Using the heat gun to release the bubbles is taking up way too much time!! I am using 8 oz square mason jars and thinking the debossing (I think I am using the right word) on all four sides that may have something to do with it. I will be making more today and if this happens again I will post a picture. These jars are cute but after this Christmas is over I am moving on….

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I'm going to pour at 190 and see what happens. I am aware there is some shrinkage within the container. I have experimented with low temp pours and actually I have not had this issue to this extent before. I have a craft show in early December an this put a huge wrench in my gears. I have heated the containers before and have had good results but also have had more bubbles then even now. I will pour hotter tomorrow and let you all know.

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OK, I just came in from the shop and can say I have made no progress. I did several pours at 190 and 200. I heated the containers to 100 and let them sit. the ones I did yesterday have bubbles!!!!!!!! Being its Xmas I have done several double pours with two colors and those had micro bubbles. The repair is almost impossible if you don't want colors to bleed together. What is going on, I had this down pretty good, now I feel like i'm starting over again. I have a craft show on the 12th and its two days, what to do.

Any suggestions would be helpful. I would say I've learned allot from all of you, and help again.

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[ATTACH=CONFIG]26806[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]26805[/ATTACH]Cracker, sorry I am not meaning to take over your thread -- I mentioned I would post a picture in the hopes that this would help us both out while we are on this topic. :smiley2:

Mine look similar but bigger, My camera took to the grave a while ago and smart phone pics did not show bubbles very well. I read up on some other topics and may be on to something. I will report back soon.

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Hi, this is interesting because I also use 4627 wax without color and a few months ago started getting large wetspots. I have been using this wax for close to a year now and never had them before. I heat the jars and wash the glasses, and never chaged pouring temps. I've been very baffled. I do notice that some oils are worse then others but i've never seen such horrible wetspots! Would love to figure out a solution, usually the wetspot ends up right around the design on the front of our jar!:undecided

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hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. I myself may be pat of the issue on the bubbles. I went ahead and started from scratch with the way I mix heat and pour. and this helped. I will say I have been excited to take a hobby I love with the kids and attempt to turn it into a small business which we would not get board at. OK, here we go. I kept my temp at 185 and when I mix my FO I stirred much slower, thinking I was adding the bubbles to the wax, how else would they get there. I changed to a big spoon which moved the wax but did not make it fizz.I poured the wax like i was pouring a beer and did not splash it to create any disturbance. I let them sit and long and behold one day later, No bubbles. As for wet spots I think I will never completely get rid of them, due to shrinkage of the wax. I have tried to pour cooler and they still appear here and there. I'm still not sold on the wax yet but like the consistency and look. I hear allot about 6006 and another mixed in but have not had enough input to know exactly what to do. I would love to hear from someone who has had success and would put in two cents.

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I have been getting horrific shrinkage on my candles lately with 4627 and I haven't changed a thing - following my same recipe, heating glass to 190, heating wax to 185, cooling in Styrofoam cooling boxes. The changes in temperature (cold to cool, cool to warm, etc) I think have been helping create huge "wet spots" on the sides of the glass - really big horrible ones that I have to reheat in order to sell. So frustrating, especially when I have to transport the candles to shows and back again.

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Ok, I just spoke to a friend of mine who no longer makes candles and he had over 20 years in the game. He told me he has been confronted by the wet spot issue and he was able to fix it by cooling slowly. I told him that sounds good but my garage is 3300 Sq Ft and I don't have A/C or heat. He told me to use drink "coozies" which will keep in warmth as well as cold. I will try this on my next pour but the full time job takes over again tonight, and the rest of the weekend. I will post results.

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OK, I'm loosing it! Tried to cool the wax slowly and I had the same results. I poured very slowly and mixed slow so I would not be the bubble maker. I am seeing tons of micro bubbles in the wax when I pour. I cant understand why they are not rising up and out. I have tried various temps and cant figure out where I have gone wrong. I spent 6 hours last night fixing candles for my craft show this weekend. I am beginning to think I may have to try another blend of wax. I have heard the 6006 is great and I'm willing to give it a whirl. Any in put on where to start? I'm changing my containers from Mason style jars to the apothecary type jars on the next run. Not for me because they burn fine but think they may show better on display. Any help to point me in the right direction would be great I sure do like the 4627 look though.

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Spoke to CS today and they told me they get bubbles too. I was also told if the location I am keeping my candles in gets cooler in the evening hours it may have an impact on how the containers set up. Tonight I will pour one and put in in the house where the temp does on change. If this does not work I will seek a different wax which may be more friendly toward me. Cant figure this out and I know there is an answer.

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  • 1 year later...

This is a few years too late but wanted to add my findings on this, in case anyone else is having similar issues still.  I had this issue (BADLY) and I blended some 4630 with it to stop it happening.  It hardens it up just enough to prevent it

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