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More Info on Wood Wicks

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Well I am just now seeing this. Now I know what is wrong with my site! I do not have any pictures of me in a little black dress in a Sharon Stone/Basic Instinct pose!!!!!!! http://daynadecker.nespra.com/evolution.php

Off to shop for a little black dress and lose about 1000 pounds! After that, my sales will SOAR, huh???????????

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Hi----I had to register just to reply to this topic lol

I use to make candles but quit about 3 yrs ago when I had my 4th child and needed my candle room for a bedroom LOL

I still try and keep up on stuff and miss making candles.

Anyways..I'd never seen nor heard about these till i seen them in Cracker Barrel about a month ago.I got the smaller one...rum raisin I think.Anyways...I like them.I am sitting about 5 feet from it and can hear it popping.When I first got it and heard it cracking I thought it was my laptop making a noise lol. It sometimes gets on my nerves hearing it,but I love the candle and the scent throw.To me it throws off just enough of the wood smell...its not to strong but yet you can smell it.

I like the primitive type decor with the dirty looking candles etc you see on ebay...well to me this scent throw just goes with that decor LOL...if that makes sense.Its not like you smell it on your clothes when you go shopping lol...you know how sometimes you know who has a fireplace because you smell the wood smell on them....its not that strong but it does have a really nice scent.Burns clean to.

Not sure how many hours its been burning.I'll try and keep up with it on the next one.

I bought the bigger size lastnight.Cinnamon Crisp...havent lit it yet.

I would love to find someone selling the wicks...to resell on ebay of course LOL When I first got mine I thought the wood wick looked familiar.I cant place it yet,but i know I have seen something like that before.

oh and I havent had to trim the wick.The first time I had it lit and then the next day it had some burnt wood sticking up and I just pushed it off with my finger.But I dont think it NEEDED to be trimmed...and havent since.

Anyways...fad or not...I like them. I think they're a bit over priced but I still love them.Hopefully the price will come down soon :)

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