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Test burn

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So I'm doing a test burn tonight with a size candle i've not made before. I'm currently using the 75x90mm mould for pillar candles.

When I made it I clearly didn't add enough red as it's turned out pink but seeing as I'm just making them to test burn I'm not so bothered.

I've used Cinnamon Stix scent at 7% in blended paraffin wax and an LX18 wick

This is the pic after half hour.


This one is after 1.5 hours.


I hope after 3 hours I get a full burn pool or I will be disappointed lol.


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I'm not as familiar with pillars but my first thought is similar to Pam's statement. I appears to me you pretty much have a full melt pool already. Too much more melt pool and it will either spill right over the top or eventually melt a hole through the side.

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No you don't need to wick up, 1 cm is about the perfect shell. When you put your wick out, hug your shell in towards the center of the candle a bit and the next time you light the candle it should melt some of the shell. You need to burn the pillar completely, hugging the shell, to see if the wick is big enough. I have a feeling if you only have a 1 cm. shell on the first burn, you may eventually have a blow out further down the burn of the pillar. You may actually need a smaller wick IMO. :cool2:

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