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Heating wax + additive question

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I am having real problems with getting my wax (eco soy container blend 135) hot enough using a double boiler - I am using a pyrex jug in a pan of water. I can't seem to get it above 160F. What am I doing wrong?

My next issue is frosting. I am getting quite a bit at the bottom of my jars. Would using a Universal Additive work? If so, I see it is meant to be heated up to 184F...

It says you can heat the Additive up separately - if I do this do I need to use a double boiler again?


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A word of caution-- pyrex glass can shatter and I know this from personal experience and from other posters over the years that mentioned the problems they had with their pyrex cups cracking and breaking.

When I did the double boiler method I used an old pan within a larger pan with enough water to fill up to the half way mark of the smaller pan. It takes a long time to heat wax using the double boiler method.

If you are going to be making candles its best to invest in a presto pot to use as your wax meltor.

Ecosoya's CB135 is frost prone but has pretty good H&C throw. You can do some research on this forum for wax tempering. From my experience using this wax I always had frost issues until I started blending in a bit of paraffin wax. You can go as low as 25% paraffin and get relief from frosting.

Edited by Candybee
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Thanks for your reply :)

With the presto pot - are they the regular ones from Walmart, etc? If you use one of those, how do you get the wax out? Do you just pour it into another container?

What do you think of those metal jugs from craft stores? Would that work better?

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Yes you can use the regular presto pot from Wally's. Its a cheap and smart investment for candlemaking. There are some presto pots sold on the internet with pour spouts or you can do some research on how to do it yourself. Pour spouts make candle making easier but are not really necessary to get the job done. Just use an old mug or coffee can to ladle out the wax. Get a pouring pot to ladle your wax into. Your pouring pot is what you use to mix FO, dye, and other additives into your wax.

You can buy a pouring pot at a craft store or shop online at a candle supply like Peaks or Candle Science.

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I'll throw my 2 cents in for the Presto Pot, love mine (6 of them). When I did the double boiler method I just put my pouring pot into the container holding the water.

Frosting s*cks but such is the way of soy, you can use paraffin, as mentioned above, to eliminate it. Universal additive (for paraffin) is not the same as Universal Soy Additive (for soy). I know that there are C3 folks here that use it but not sure it will work with your wax.

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I just went to the thrift store and found a lovely enamel jug which will take the place of the pyrex jug for now. I will try that in a pan of water, and if I still have issues I will invest in the Presto Pot. Also got some paraffin wax today, so we'll see how that goes! :)

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