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cd 5 vs cd 6

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ugh.. I got a sample pack of cd wicks from candles and supplies. I put a cd 6 in one votive which it was struggling to keep up until almost the end. I put a cd 5 in another votive and it did perfect. Nice HT, no mushroom etc...

Could this be right or did they label these wicks backwards I am wondering...

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Can't really say but I wouldn't be so quick to blame the supplier. I've seen similar results but in container candles with CD5 and CD6. Good new is that you've narrowed your wicks down to just 2 for votive candles.

Well maybe.... The one I had the "cd5" in was almost gone and I go to touch it to see how hot it was and man, the votive holder burned my fingers it was so hot. So I am going to try a cd 4 and see what happens.

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My feeling is that CD5 is too large for for paraffin votive candles. I use LX-8 and even those can get a large flame when wicks are not trimmed. I'm experimenting with adding soy PB to 4794 to see if it tames the flame. A long tealight wick would probably work fine.

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the flame wasn't all that big actually. but the glass was extremely hot. Hotter than it was with the wick that was labeled cd 6. The cd 4 seems to be getting a melt pool, but the HT is very little and it is mushrooming a bit. I personally like the cd wicks. My other choice has been lx 14's but I think I get a better HT with the cd's.

I guess I am just going to have to get some more cd5 and cd6 maybe from another supplier and start over.

Edited by chrisasst
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I don't know what wax your using but with soy CD5 is way too hot in most fragrances for me in votives- I use the LX series now for votives only- CD and CDN for jars

And it's funny because the CD4 can be either be too hot also or not enough and a CD3 most always drowns out- I have 2 fragrances I can use CD3 in

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