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pouring and mixing in jars

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I did that just once when I forgot to add my FO & dye. It was a pain in the ass trying to stir around the wick and I never got the dye fully blended and it looked like a complete mess by the time it hardened. :undecided

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I do a whole lot of stirring to assure an even mix of wax, color and fragrance. I can't picture that in a jar.

Also, there are times when I pour and I take too long to adjust and set the wick on center and I get a nice air pocket around the wick. I would think that you pour, then the mixture cools and then you get uneven cooling and possible air pockets, then you spend so much time and effort fixing the mistakes that you could have just made the mixture in a pour pot in the first place.

I have seen videos that show putting empty jars into a crock pot of water. Then putting wax beads into the jar and slowly melting the wax, adding more until the jars are full, dropping in a few drops of fragrance or essential oil and setting a wick in the center and voila! A candle. I can't imagine that the fragrance mixes with the wax. It's not something I would do. I actually like the process of candle making, it's very Zen to me.......but then again, I'm a Process Artist. I thrive in the process of creation!!


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