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Ash on CP?

Grumpy Girl

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Um, I think I'm going to have a nasty case of it in the morning on the pink grapefruit loaf. How do I clean it up, and what caused it? I had a cardboard lid on the mold, and the only thing I did differently was to cover the lid in the saran wrap instead of putting it down over the mold itself this time.

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Uh oh, Grumpy...welcome to one of the not-so-joys of CP soap!! :rolleyes2

There are different theories as to what may cause this, but the most common seems to be oxidation of the soap. I usually get some measure of ash, I either scrape it off with a knife or try to wipe it off. Either way the soap's finish gets ruined. :mad: I hope someone else will post to this with a better idea!!

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Trim it and give it a soda wash. I have the best luck with mine when I use a towel, otherwise if I use a cover or saran it beads up and drops and mine is covered with ash. Dont know if that makes sense or not, but it seems like the towel absorbs the water droplets and helps.

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I have a nice vegetable slicer (mandolin) that I use to skim off the top layer of the soap when it has a not-so pretty surface. It allows all your swirls to shine through instead of be obscured by a layer of ash. You have to be very careful with your fingers though when doing this. :cry2: You can also get the top (or in your case, a short side) level and square with the other sides.

It's one way to do it.

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Put rubbing alcohol (get the strong kind--90 some percent) in a spray bottle and start spraying the minute you see ash begin to form. Spray it completely and let it dry then spray again. Keep spraying until you think you've got the ash under control. It really works.

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If the batteries in my camera weren't dead and charging I'd take a pic. I assume it overheated, as the top of it was lightly bubbling when I checked on it in the oven. Cooled down, it has a layer of white looking film on it where it was bubbling, which I assume is ash. It's almost got a "rind" on it, especially on the top and on the corners. I think that if I take it and trim it up in a few days after it hardens it might be okay. It smells great and the colors deepened to a lightish purple/pink. I wish it would have stayed the lighter pink though.

Could I grate it or cut it into curls and put it in a fresh batch of CP?

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