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I can't keep them straight. Fall leave types.


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I've asked this before but never got anywhere. There has to be dozens of different Fall/Autumn blends designed to smell like or evoke the imagry of leaves either falling, stepped on, crushed, damp, etc. Of those...I've tried a so many I can't remember which ones I like and which I downright loathed. So, collectively, as a forum is there ANY way we can compare notes and list in this thread the many types of Leaf/Leaves fragrances, and the suppliers. It would greatly help me out (and I'm sure others). I can't for the life of me keep all of the leave fragrances straight in my head. Anyone care to contribute?

Fall leaves: ---Go!

1) Name + Supplier

2) Description

3) Opinion

;) TIA.

Edited by rctfavr3
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Okay....I just did a tester of CandleWic's Autumn Leaves. In 6006. It is NOT listed as skin safe on their website, which is a shame, because I think I would like it in soap.

Out of the bottle it isn't anything special, more like a fresh scent. But in the wax, it does have that essence of "I just picked up some dry leaves off the ground in October and crushed them up in my hands" smell. It is an open air, fresh scent and I personally really like it. The description is: "Warm, earthy patchouli is combined with wood notes, sweet dried fruits, grated spices of clove and cinnamon, and light top notes of mandarin and berry to create this luscious autumn aroma." I can see the fruits, because it is a light, nice scent. I pick up NO spices, none and I'm not sure about the patchouli. I originally bought this scent from other reviews on here, and I love patchouli/earthy based scents, however to me this is a light scent and NOT an earthy scent past the outdoors, fresh leaf scent. I probably pick up a tiny bit more of Patchouli out of the bottle than in wax. It's one of those scents that is a nice overall fresh smell. You walk into a room and think "that's a nice scent" but you don't rush to find out what it is, it's nice, not overpowering and it probably won't give you a headache if it's there all day.

I have only tried one wick, and the throw is soft and minimal at 6%. I want to try it as is in my wax warmer and then re-evaluate it with another type of wick before I give it a final say. I'm thinking it needs to be more towards 8% unless I have more success with a different wick.

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Great! Thank you Chefmom, much appreciated.

So far we have: CandleWic's Autumn Leaves

Anyone else want to contribute? Where looking for Fall/Autumn leaf inspired fragrances. I figured with all the talk lately on gearing up for Fall sales; it'd be good to get this thread going with some leaf types. So many! SO so many. What's your favorite autumn leaf type?

Edited by rctfavr3
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Candle Cocoon's Fallen Leaf

clear1x1.gifA late Fall hike through a sun-warmed forest. Leaves lay on the moist ground. A gentle rain starts as you duck into an old barn. Most of the roof and sides have fallen back into the earth. But the shelter is enough to keep you warm and dry as you enjoy the deep rich smell of the leaves all around. Soon the sun is spilling through the trees. You just can't smell this scent anywhere else!

A heavy, musky, earthy blend with notes of amber and patchouli with a hint of exotic spices.

Contains essential oils.

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Moonworks- Leaves

"A crisp autumn breeze of fallen leaves and apple cider with hints of cinnamon sticks, mandarin and red berries. I love this fragrance in wax melts and room sprays and can't wait to try it in my potpourri.

The manufacturer states that this is a Slatkin type, I haven't compared them."

OOB it smells very much like slatkin - I have not put it in wax yet but it is a very nice scent - IMO more like a cider mill scent then "leaves" but definitely a Fall warm and cozy scent

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