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Improving IGI 4794 melts?


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Apologies if I come off as a moron, its my first post! :wink2:

I recently got into making candles, and then backed down to master tarts/melts first. I recently began using IGI 4794 (votive blend) wax for my melts, and I'm actually pretty pleased with the throw. However, being a greedy perfectionist, I demand better.

So my question is a vague "what should I add?"

I know about vybar. I have heard success stories of IGI 4794 blended with KySoy 115 (I thought soy inhibits throw? Hrm...) Has anyone here tried these? Or have another suggestion? I am just trying to gauge the best next step, as I am on a fairly small budget.


-Candle Science oils (Grade A)

-1 oz per pound

-Fragrance added at about 155-ish?

If I left anything out, please let me know. Thanks in advance!

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Hi and welcome!

I also did well with 4794 in melts but I do add a bit more FO and I add my FO about 185 degrees.

I got even better results when I added 4630 and then 4627 to 4794.

More FO? Sounds scary... but tempting. I'll have to try it.

Made note of all your suggestions, thanks a ton!

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I was getting mixed signals on whether to add the oils at a higher or lower temperature, but the consensus here seems to be higher, so I will definitely try that next.

One last question... I know pouring temperature is important with candles, but does it matter with melts?

Thanks for the help, everyone!

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I pour as soon as I am done stirring. I pour into heavy oval Ellipso cups. I used to pour into silicone molds and poured the same. If you pour into clamshells or thinner round cups then the pouring temp will have to be lower to not melt or warp the plastic.

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I've only been doing tarts/melts less than a year so my advice could be way off, but, if you're pouring into a plastic cup or clamshell then you don't want to pour too hot or it will melt. If I'm pouring into clamshells I usually pour about 150-160. If I'm pouring into a silicone or metal mold then I pour as soon as I stir my FO for 2 minutes. I add FO in at about 180-185 also.

Hope this helps!


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