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I tried FP Squirty Wax! My review.


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I ordered one 8 ounce Squirty Wax in the scent Caramel Vanilla Buttercream Cupcakes.

I first put some on my fingers trying to figure out what is in there. It isn't very liquid, it comes out more in a roll, tube like shape sort of like you'd squeeze out toothpaste. It's thick. There is some kind of an oil in it because it left my fingers shiny when I rubbed it in, but there is no residue like you'd want to wash it off. I almost want to say it might even be glycerin because it reminds me of the stuff I use at work on my fingers to count money. In the plastic squeeze bottle, it separates and is kind of globby looking in there. You can't shake it and mix it up.

As for the concept, thumbs up! I love the idea. It's so simple. You just squirt it in your warmer and you're done. No cello bags, no clamshells, just a bottle you recap.

I put in what I thought to be about an ounce. It melts super fast so the scent is released fast, but this is where it got disappointing for me in this particular scent, anyway. The scent only lasted about two hours and then it began to smell burned to me. I had to turn it off. I wish now I had purchased two in different scents to see if the same thing happened with both of them.

As a tart lover for more years than I want to admit to, I like the idea, but I still like the cute tart shapes, too. I can see younger people, new to melting tarts, really liking this idea as it's more contemporary.

It's an average of about a dollar an ounce, but the scent needs to last much longer for me to consider this again.


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The more I look at this and feel it, I'm almost positive it's a glycerin that somehow "sort of" hardens like the Sortquik finger stuff. I'm going to try and melt some of that with soy and see what I get!

The Mad Scientist! LOL

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