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To paraben or not to paraben?

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This is not about whether parabens are safe or not so let's please not get into that debate but rather if the majority of people are concerned enough about them to cause it to be a deciding factor when purchasing personal care products, lotions in particular, that contain them? With the popularity of Bath and Body Works lotions it would seem not. Most all of their lotions (I say most because I haven't checked every one of them) contain methylparaben and propylparaben and they continue to sell tons of it.

A lot of people seem to like the Goat Milk and Honey lotion base from WSP and it contains the same parabens as B&BW lotions. Every one of the reviews, 96 of them, rate it five stars (those reviews could be skewed depending on if reviews must first be approved or not). At $34/gallon it's also expensive for a paraben containing lotion base! They do, however, have a basic lotion base that currently sells for a little over $13/gallon but its reviews aren't as good as the GMH.

Bulk Apothecary has a basic hand and body lotion base that contains the same two parabens that are in the B&BW lotions and they sell it for $13.95 a gallon. It too gets five stars from all of the reviews, 13 total (again, those reviews could be skewed).

Essentials By Catalina has a paraben free, Back to Basics lotion for $16/gallon. It only has one review so I can't really tell anything from that.

For those of you who sell lotion does it seem to matter to your customers whether it contains parabens or not? The lotion base I currently use is paraben free and costs me $32/gallon, plus shipping, and I was thinking of offering a less expensive alternative. I would have a mental struggle with selling a lotion containing parabens (GMH from WSP) at the same price point as my paraben-free lotion.

At $34/gallon is the WSP GMH lotion base worth it or is the much less expensive BA basic lotion, at $14/gallon, or the EBC Back to Basics lotion, just as good? The BA Premium lotion base (12 reviews, all five stars) is $22/gallon and is paraben free. Has anyone tried it?

Thank you!

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We've sold lotion for about 5 years now... some ask about dye free, never have been asked about paraben free. I agree with your thoughts about BBW having parabens and still selling a ton of the lotion. I'd say most customers aren't worried about it. As for the other lotion bases you've listed... I haven't tried any of them,,, let us know how they work for you if you should test them out.

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Guest OldGlory

I don't think I'm a typical consumer, but I am very picky about lotions. No parabens, no mineral oil, no petrolatum - all a huge "yuck" factor for me. However, I don't think most people pay attention. I think people who like fragranced lotions will buy for the scent. It also might depend on your area.

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