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Reusing glass jam jars & tips for getting wax out of containers

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I have a hexagonal jam jar -

http://www.jamjarshop.com/images/shop/product/jarhex8_01.jpg which is full of wax

would I be able to re-use this jar for another candle ?

If I can, does anyone have any tricks/tips for getting the wax out of the jar so I can re-use it (I am prohibited from using the oven though)?

Edited by itunu
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Sure you can re-use your tester containers, but only for retesting.

Heat oven to 175, line a cookie sheet or cake pan with papertowels(make sure sides tucked into pan, not hanging over) turn jars upside down & wait until wax melts onto towels. They will be hot, I use papertowels as potholders & use more to wipe out jars. If you feel you need them spotless, make sure all wax is gone, fill the sink with hot, soapy water & put a small amount of ammonia in & clean.

I would scoop out as much wax as you can before doing this or it will be very messy. If you have one of the $5.00 flatwarmers from Walmart, heat the jar on that & then dump wax, much easier. Save the wax if you can, to use later for firestarters.

Edited by ChandlerWicks
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You can also do it on the stovetop. Take an old saucepan and put a cloth washcloth (old one) in the bottom. Then put the candle on top of the washcloth (to keep the glass from touching the bottom of the pan) and fill with water to the halfway point of the candle.

Then, on very low heat, heat it until it is melted. Pour out the wax and immediately wipe with paper towels to clean out the wax. With that kind of jar, have a couple of chopsticks so you can push the paper towel down into the bottom corners of the jar.

The top lip may be hot, so use a oven mitt or something to protect your hand. I do a lot of canning, so I have a huge stock pot and canning wire rack for the bottom of the pot, but for small canning jobs I use a small pan and the washcloth trick.

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Buy a heat gun and loosen the wax and dump it out in a cardboard box lined with a trash bag, then place the jars upside down on paper towels on a cookie sheet and finish warming with the heat gun. Wash the jars in the sink with a good grease fighting detergent and dry with a lint free towel. Inspect the jars for any cracks or other defects before using. I have never had a problem with re-using good glass containers but would never offer one for sale. I used to let customers bring their jars for refills but decided it wasn't worth the risk. HTH


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Try using a butter knife to get the wax out, while standing over a garbage can. Whatever is left over (which should be very little) stick it in the microwave for 20 seconds. Make sure your wick tab has been removed before using the microwave. Then clean it with a papertowel.

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