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Help with 6006 please

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There is so much valuable information here and knowledgeable people! I have been testing scents for the past year using various waxes - 4794/EZ Soy combo and then I found 6006 which is nice to not have to mix anything. I know so many people use it and I do get good results (I only make tarts) but I can't seem to make them last more than 5-6 hours no matter the scent. I'm heating to 190, adding FO at about 185, stirring for the one to two minutes and pouring into molds. I thought it might be candle nose and have my testers saying the same thing, that they don't go long. Am I doing something wrong? I'm using 1.5 ounces of FO per pound since 6006 can hold that and I have no wicking issues making tarts. I want to make this wax work, but they need to last longer or am I expecting too much? I tried 4794/6006 combo 50 percent each and they lasted longer, but didn't have a good throw. Does anyone have any advice?

Thanks so much!

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What kind of wax warmer are you using? I have found that the same melt from the same batch lasts longer in my low wattage melter than in one with a tealight burning.

Also, a week's cure is a good thing with 6006. Some candles I burn after a week and I list them as good throwers, then I pull them out several months later and they are too strong. I think the soy in 6006 makes it better with a cure. I have some scents that are great at 3% while some need the 9%, but most are fine with the 5-6% range.

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I have found the same thing with the 6006 melts. The scent doesn't last very long. When I mix in some pure soy they last much much longer! I have melts that will last 24 hours or more. But I have found this with the paraffin too, straight they didn't last more than 4-6 hours max and the scent was pretty much gone, but mix in pure soy and they last a full day some longer. I've bought straight paraffin melts from some of the 'big time' melt ladies and her melts are great and in all kinds of cute shapes but they just don't last very long. I use a 25w melter and I've tested in 45w. I always find it funny when I hear people say they don't care for the para-soy melts cuz they don't last as long or whatever. I find they last longer!

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Just to see what competition is out there, I've also ordered from many vendors. The paraffin ones do seem to last longer. I'm totally blown away and MAJOR GREEN with envy by one. I won't mention the name, just initials CBV. Wow. Talk about throw and long lasting. I almost cried, no kidding! If I could even get close to that I would be happy. My basement right now probably has every kind of wax known to man and I'm still searching for that perfect, long lasting strong tart. That particular place is a "blend of paraffins, no soy" and it sure seems to be the absolute best blend. She should be very proud of her accomplishment!

I'm going to try raising the 4794 percentage to 75 with the remainder 6006 and see what happens with that. I should have been keeping notes because I've undoubtedly done it already, not sure.

I never dreamed success in this business would be so elusive!

Thanks everyone for the help, appreciated.

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The messy scoopy one in the bag? Yes, I have that! What percentage are we talking 70/30 (70 being 4794) or 50/50? I always seem to push the outer limit of FO going as high as possible, but someone told me to cut it back that too much can take away the scent, so maybe I should try that as well.

I know what I will be doing today :)

Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Karen, I tried the 4794 and 4627 and I have to say it's the best melt I've ever made. I'm doing 60/40 with 4794 being the 60 percent. I tried 50/50 and found them way too sticky. I'm wondering if 70/30 would give me a longer scented tart since 4794 tends to go so long. Have you tried that combination? Using 1.5 FP per pound as well. So far, I'm impressed. Thank you for the tip!


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Karen, I tried the 4794 and 4627 and I have to say it's the best melt I've ever made. I'm doing 60/40 with 4794 being the 60 percent. I tried 50/50 and found them way too sticky. I'm wondering if 70/30 would give me a longer scented tart since 4794 tends to go so long. Have you tried that combination? Using 1.5 FP per pound as well. So far, I'm impressed. Thank you for the tip!


That is great! I am still testing between 4625/4627 and 4794/4627. Testing will start in a day or so. Once I decide which votive/pillar wax, I will begin testing percentages of each. Glad to hear that you did well!

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