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Hi everyone :)

I'm trying to come up with a name for my new candle line, and am honestly drawing a blank!! We had one we thought we would go with, but turns out someone is using it for uh-hem body candles??!?!? Don't want to be associated with that actually, lol

I'm looking for suggestions for names, can you help?

Soy candles, no dye (unless requested), wood wicks and the labels have a "vintage" look to them and a few swarovski crystals to top it off :)

Any suggestions appreciated, as I am STUMPED!!! :(

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If you havn't found a cheap source for swarovski yet firemountaingems is the cheapest and they guarantee it. I make jewelry and have never found any cheaper, plus $5 shipping :D also for the name you could try finding older candle brands and get inspiration from those.

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Hi brittany! Wow thank you for the tip. Did buy some locally, must have read wrong chart, they were a bit bigger than this (• dot!). Soooo tiny and soooo hard to work with. But think I found a way, so that is good, I suppose! Could you please tell me where they sell? And are they TRUE Swarovski's ??? I truly appreciate the tip, hopefully cheaper and faster than Hong Kong!! Lol

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Hi brittany! Wow thank you for the tip. Did buy some locally, must have read wrong chart, they were a bit bigger than this (• dot!). Soooo tiny and soooo hard to work with. But think I found a way, so that is good, I suppose! Could you please tell me where they sell? And are they TRUE Swarovski's ??? I truly appreciate the tip, hopefully cheaper and faster than Hong Kong!! Lol

Yes they are true Swarovskis, just much cheaper. I have ordered hundreds maybe thousands of the crystals from them. Just be sure to evaluate the crystals before using, some may have small cracks from rough shipping, but they have no problem replacing them for free, no shipping costs either. I used the 6 mm for jewelry, you probably got the 2 or 3 mm I'm guessing. I think 4-6 would show up better and anything bigger may be too big. I would also look at shapes and different effects. I used the xillion (sp?) bicone 6 mm but they have holes, but there are tones of shapes. Be sure to have a ruler handy or look at sizes locally. Also if you want even cheaper they have glass, I got glass from a friend and when you hold them next to each other you can really tell the difference. Also be sure to look into their discounts, as you buy more it gets cheaper for everything but Swarovski, and they have fully made jewelry for pretty cheap :) The where they sell part, do you mean what store? It's firemountaingems.com, hopefully that answered your question. Also for different candles you could look up their gemstones like agate, some are pretty cheap and you could use them to match candles :) I'm new to candles or else half my stuff for jewelry would be in my candles lol

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