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Users of 646 / 4630 blend

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Good Morning to all,

Would anyone have any helpful suggestions? My ratio is 80% 464 and 20%4630. Using thhe 12oz D.Tree st atus for testing, 1 oz FO( candlewics mulberry) and a CD 12 wick,, all was wellat first. All hangup caught up n th e 3rd burn, with a steady flame and a MP of 1/4 and pretty clean sides. The throw is nice, and I trim the wicks before each burn. The second half of the jar burning, the flame has not stopped moving., and I am getting big mushrooms in 3 -4 hours time. I have gotten 43 hours of burn time time so far. The last 2-3 burns, the top has gotten pretty hot. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Moving flame is a function of the air coming into the container, not much you can do about that. Notice that pillar candles don't have that problem. As far as the mushrooms, they are a sign if incomplete burn of the wax or FO. Some possible suggestions would be test CD wicks of smaller and larger size. A CD-10 has a little less rate of consumption (ROC) than the 12 and a smaller flame height but the melt pool is the same size as the 12 (of course, the test wax is not your wax so the results may vary). A CD-14, on the other hand, also has a slightly less ROC but a higher flames and larger melt pool. Another suggestion would be the try to increase the 4630 percentage or another wick (HTP).

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I will do some tesing with the your suggestions on that formula. I really like that blend. I dont have any more of that FO but I do have the same jar but with NG's monkey farts. This I made last week and will test this week. This formula is 4630 at 80% and 464 at 20%. I have cd's and htp's. I have 3 jars to test. Which wick would you suggest as a starting point?

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I would try HTP 104. That's what I use in the DT Status jar in 4627, which is very viscous like parasoy. On the first burn I start the wick 3/8" to 1/2" long and it quickly adjusts to the perfect size, then I never trim it on subsequent burns and it stays the right size.

Edited by HorsescentS
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