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Cream soap or Liquid soap?


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Ok, I'm comfy with the CP soaps (have been for a bit) and am thinking about working on liquid or cream soaps. So, I read through the tutorials here on the board and now am wondering from those of you that have made them in the past, which way is better? I've only seen the cream soaps in a jar, but not in a squeeze bottle, so I'm wondering how practical that would be in using. Are they able to be put into a squeeze bottle and still let them come through the opening?

How long are these going to have to sit after I make them? And I know this is going to be a regional question, but does one type sell better than another type? I also want to make sure that my assumption on usage is correct with them. You can use them for either soap or shampoo, right?

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Janet, don't know if you have a Yahoo Id/email. But if you do, look for a Yahoo Group called CreamSoap. It's like a little forum for those that make Cream Soap. They have some good tutorials and lots of posts/questions that can be searched. The group does have a moderator that will grant access to the group. They want just a brief idea of your crafting history and why you want to be a member of the group. They don't want a resume more of a way to weed out spammers I think. Lots of good information. I haven't had an opportunity to make any yet but it's on my to-do list. There is a recipe for a Rose Clay Cream Soap that sounds wonderful and it says it's a good beginner batch.

Check it out if you have the time. Good luck!!


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I am part of that cream soap group and have made some. TBH it's not my favorite... The process is kind of long and hands on, and packaging is the challenge. Unless you're really good at filing tubes, or have equipment the stuff is destined for a jar. I know a fellow soaper that combined liquid and CP made separately into a cream-like soap. Seemed much easier than all the steps cream soap takes.

Liquid soap is dead easy by comparison. I HP the paste and it's ready to dilute pretty quickly, or store the paste for later dilution. I've also used the glycerin method for HP liquid soap and had usable liquid soap within a few hours. What's nice about liquid soap is you can make a bunch of single oil liquid soap pastes and blend them as you dilute to experiment with different combinations of oils to find your perfect blend.

Both cream and liquid soap need a decent amount of 'rot' time to become more mild, so time required on the shelf can be about the same.

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I've made both, and to be honest, I like my liquid soap so much better than my cream soap (I use the glycerin method of liquid soapmaking where you dissolve the KOH in glycerin instead of water, btw). The liquid soap is very easy for me to make, and my finished product is so much nicer than the cream soap, by far.

When I made the cream soap, my desire was to create a rich, creamy concoction with the viscosity of thick, creamy lotion that I could put in one of those toggle-type bottles that can be squeezed, but that has not worked out for me. I was able to pipe one of my finished dilutions into the toggle just fine with my piping bag, but it was so light and airy from being whipped that it just wouldn't squeeze back out of the toggle. I got so frustrated with trying to coax even some of it out- to no avail- that I just tossed the whole toggle with the soap inside away in the trash. As for the remainder of the cream paste (which I left undiluted)- it's been sitting out of the way in a bucket until I figure out what to do with it. I might just scoop some out and press it 'as is' without diluting or whipping (it's a Play-Doh consistency undiluted), into a shaving mug for my hubby to use for shave soap. That's about all I can think of that it would be good for.

My liquid soap, on the other hand, is wonderful. My favorite formula has cocoa butter and shea butter in it- it dilutes into a beautifully rich & creamy concoction that dispenses from a pump bottle just fine in spite of being on the thicker side of things. It's everything I hoped that my cream soap would be but isn't.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to agree with TallTayl. I really do not like cream soap, although I do not mind making it, I just do not like the feel of the cream soap. Although I do make a salt scrub using the cream soap as a base and it is great

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