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My 3022 results :)

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Well.... I'm just tickled pink y'all!! I am testing now a 50/50 blend of 3022 and M38, and getting some great, strong results. So far my favorites are Spiced Cranberry, and A Northwoods Christmas, they both burn 2 days!! Hansel and Gretels House, I get a good 12 hours from, same for Apple Dumpling. I'm waiting for some Hillbilly Homebrew and Country Bumpkin scent, going to try those out this week and start testing candles!! I'm hoping to get it all tested, and make the switch on my wax before my website is up and running!! I see lots and lots of testing in my future!!

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That is wonderful for you!!

I would love to hear how those who have made melts with 3022 like it. Honestly, I think candles are a completely different world. With melts, I have been about equally as happy with each wax I have tried. I have tried I think 8 waxes (paraffin, parasoy and soy) in innumerable combinations and I think there are only 2 that I do not care for as much as the others. So, those of you who use 3022 for melts, I'd love to hear your feedback!

Jeanie-I am a Spiced Cranberry lover as well! My new favorite is from Community Candle (formerly Alabaster). It is outstanding! Reminds me of McCall's Cranberry if you ever smelled their candles or Candle Bars. Thanks to megandgarr (Dessa) they also are my source for the best Mulled Cider. Most I tried were more like Spiced Orange or Wassail. This one is perfect!

I have a few melts made in Cranberry Spice that I'd be happy to send you and I have a bunch made up in Mulled Cider as well. I need to order a giant bottle of CS. I tried a one ouncer and want to make more. I did already get a big bottle of the Mulled Cider.

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I got it from my ebay lady, so Im not sure where its from. Probably NG or Peak.

I got Cranberry Joy from the eBay lady. I did know some of her FOs were from NG but didn't know they were from Peak too.

Think I'll try Community Candle. This is the 2nd good review on it from there and they have soooo much to choose from.

JAJC - Thank you for the recommendations from CC. I'll try their Mulled Cider too.

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Well.... I'm just tickled pink y'all!! I am testing now a 50/50 blend of 3022 and M38, and getting some great, strong results. So far my favorites are Spiced Cranberry, and A Northwoods Christmas, they both burn 2 days!! Hansel and Gretels House, I get a good 12 hours from, same for Apple Dumpling. I'm waiting for some Hillbilly Homebrew and Country Bumpkin scent, going to try those out this week and start testing candles!! I'm hoping to get it all tested, and make the switch on my wax before my website is up and running!! I see lots and lots of testing in my future!!

I'm glad to hear it. Keep us posted on all the testing. I'm so happy for you!

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I am so in love with A Northwoods Christmas I am having a hard time testing anything else! But I have too!! Gonna test a few FO's I bought off the classies, and start pouring my candles tomorrow!! I just know the very first wick I try is going to work, and I won't be spending days switching wicks, and lighting candles.... Hey, a girl can dream, right?!?!

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That is wonderful for you!!

I would love to hear how those who have made melts with 3022 like it. Honestly, I think candles are a completely different world. With melts, I have been about equally as happy with each wax I have tried. I have tried I think 8 waxes (paraffin, parasoy and soy) in innumerable combinations and I think there are only 2 that I do not care for as much as the others. So, those of you who use 3022 for melts, I'd love to hear your feedback!

Jeanie-I am a Spiced Cranberry lover as well! My new favorite is from Community Candle (formerly Alabaster). It is outstanding! Reminds me of McCall's Cranberry if you ever smelled their candles or Candle Bars. Thanks to megandgarr (Dessa) they also are my source for the best Mulled Cider. Most I tried were more like Spiced Orange or Wassail. This one is perfect!

I have a few melts made in Cranberry Spice that I'd be happy to send you and I have a bunch made up in Mulled Cider as well. I need to order a giant bottle of CS. I tried a one ouncer and want to make more. I did already get a big bottle of the Mulled Cider.

I will trade you a Spiced Cranberry from NG for a Milled Cider. But mine is made from container soy GB 435. PM me if you want to try it.

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Yay- good for you! Hope the rest of your testing goes well! I've been having good luck with melts using Ecosoya PB/Excel mix and with feather palm so far- but want to try the 3022 in melts too. Good luck and keep us posted!!

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Good Luck. I just poured a striaght 3022 candle in a 12 oz salsa jar - using a cd18. I am yet to get a super duper candle from 3022. Hoping this will be the one. So send some of your positivity (and prayers) my way FS. :) Hope yours turns out great.

Edited by ktaggard
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Leisa, I dunno either :( I am getting super fab results with a 50/50 blend on the melts, but my candle is all bleehhhhh!!! I think I may have my FO load to high, I added 8%, I've always had great results with HH at 6%, so that's what I'm shooting for today, and going with straight 3022. I'm convinced this is going to work!! Here we go, round 2!!

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