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Posts posted by FaithfulScenter

  1. 4 hours and Bourbon Toasted Pecan had already fizzled out. That was one cube from a clamshell in a candle warmers Illumination warmer, Blend 1. I put in 2 cubes of Iced Oatmeal Cookies, 8% FO, blend 3. Been in for 10 minutes or so and again, already filled the kitchen and living room. We shall see how long this lasts!!!

    BTW: Sunshine is still smelling up my bathroom.

  2. So sorry about that lol We just received word that church services are cancelled for tomorrow, we are expecting about 6" of snow today, so just as long as I have electricity, I will be at home testing all weekend! Here is the beautiful view out my window, and my poor rose bush!


  3. So as a little control, just to make sure my mind isn't playing tricks on me, I had ds to do a sniff test, Country Bumpkin in Blend 2 and Blend 5, he doesn't know which is which. He said blend 2 was stronger. I then had him close his eyes and do it again, and again, blend 2 was stronger!

    JAJC- that is the reason I went with straight paraffin.

    Also, yesterday I rewicked my 3022 candle, and poured a candle with the paraffin/Vybar mix, Country bumpkin scent, and a CD20 wick. The flames are 2" inches or better, on BOTH candles, and puffin out black smoke like a freight train. Anyone know why??

    ETA: Trimmed the wick to about 1/8" and relit. Burning much better now ;)

  4. Jeanie, that is the reason I went with FO's that I knew, and how they worked, threw, and lasted. With the exception of Iced Oatmeal Cookies, I have been using these scents since I started. I can say, I am definitely experiencing a much stronger throw, both cold and hot. Do I think I could have achieved this in straight paraffin without the Vybar? Absolutely not!!

  5. Good grief, can't a girl sleep in on a SATURDAY!!!! You're lucky I checked in before making breakfast ;)

    So last night around 11 I put in some Blend 2 Country Bumpkin in the kitchen, it filled up the entire house before we made it to bed. Very strong. I could not smell it this morning. In the kitchen I have one of Candle Warmers Illumination warmers.

    In the bathroom I have Sunshine going, which is a clean laundry type blend of my own. It is still smelling this morning. In there I have a tin bulb burner, with a 40 watt bulb, that has seen better days. I'm going to switch it out with a plate style warmer and see how it lasts with that.

    I put 1 cube of Blend 1 Bourbon Toasted Pecan in the kitchen burner before coming to the Living Room to check in. I can already smell it, definitely stronger than before, but we will see how long it lasts.

    I also lit my candle at 10, I had to move it from the living room to my oldest sons room, because the BTP is seriously taking over the Living room. I have never had that happen before!!

    Now, I've got a house full of starving boys, I'm off to make some breakfast. Biscuits and gravy anyone?!

  6. Blend 1) Straight paraffin votive wax with 1/2 tsp vybar per pound. Blend 2) 60% straight paraffin with 40% 4625 and 1/2 tsp Vybar pp. Blend 3) 60% Straight Paraffin container wax with 40% 4625 and 1/2 ts pp Vybar. Blend 4) 4625 with 1/4 tsp Vybar pp. Blend 5) Straight 4625.

    I also made a Country Bumpkin candle with the straight paraffin container wax with 1/2 tsp Vybar pp. I will do my first burn in the morning.

    I have noticed that Blend 2 seems to have better CT, and blend 1 will not release from the clamshell very easily.

    Also, I just couldn't take it anymore. I had to throw some melts in this evening. I usually do an overnight test, so this time I started with it! I have Blend 2-Country Bumpkin in the kitchen, it's been in for an hour, and I can smell it strongly in the living room. I also put some Blend 2-Sunshine in the bathroom, but I haven't been back to check it.

    I'll update again in the morning, I'm off to bed!!!

  7. They are all stand-bys. I'm not testing any new FO's until I get settled on a wax combo. The 4 scents are Bourbon Toasted Pecan (tri) Country Bumpkin (ng) Iced Oatmeal Cookies (ds) and my own blend Sunshine. I will definitely keep you all posted!!

  8. I poured several different combo's today, all paraffin, and all but one containing Vybar. My first time playing with additives. I don't know if it is where I haven't poured in a while or what, but man, the cold throw is amazing!!! You open the clamshell and it knocks you down!! I'm trying so hard to wait until tomorrow to start testing, it's gonna take forever to test out all these combos....

  9. I'm wondering does the potpourri refresher oil have to be in a glass bottle? Or can it be plastic?? I'm ordering the base from AH/RE and it doesn't say in the description, but I have never seen it in a plastic bottle.

  10. And ugh! What a way to start it!! We got woke up at 4 this morning to my youngest son vomiting in our bed! Poor thing was so miserable. Got him cleaned up, checked out the 4 +/- inches of snow we got last night, and then went back to sleep on the couch for a while. DH couldn't get to work this morning, and there was no school, so we are waiting for him to get home from the post office with my supplies. First I am going to rewick my 3022 candle, then make a paraffin container, and I'm going to pour tarts in 3 or so different paraffin blends, make some fire starters, and maybe try my first marble soap. I never get to pour on the weekends, we are always soooo busy. So although I'm not happy my little one is sick, I am thankful we will get to spend some time at home, and I get to work on my blend!!! My goal is to have at least 4 scents tested and ready by the first of March. He's back, I better get to work!!! What is everyone else up to this weekend??

  11. Here is my updated list, but I'm sure it will change again before I actually make the trip, and then will probably change again once I get there and start sniffing lol

    Willow Inn

    Splinters and Rags

    Primitive Angels

    Old Memories

    Maple Pecan


    Hillbilly Homestead

    Country Britches

    Blackberry Vanilla

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