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    soap b&b
  • Location
    around the corner

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Why do you freeze your coconut milk? To avoid overheating? Coconut milk is not really "milk", the only milk you need to worry about overheating and partially freezing before adding lye is animal milk. Vegetable derived like coconut will not heat up
  2. MOTOR OIL? No way!!! The whole idea of making your own soap is to have something better than what the stores are trying to sell us, stuff made with pertrochemicals! In the olden days when animal fats were used for cooking and were highly valued, bacongrease was used to make soap, and the smell would not come through, the lye would make sure of that
  3. The easiest way to work with powdered gm imho is to add it to the oils and stick blend until all lumps have incorporated, then add your lye which has cooled down to room temp. Continue as normal, add whatever you wish, I recommend not to gel cause it can overheat, to avoid that you may need to put it in the refridgerator, depending where you live and your climate
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