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Posts posted by tbowers8403

  1. I have run across an issue. At first I thought it was no big deal, but it is bothering me. I'm striving for perfection I guess! I discovered my frosting issues are gone ever since I switched to Ecosoya PB, but now when I look at my tarts (They are made from a silicone brownie bits pan) on the back of them there is what appears to be a light thumbprint or I also call a dimple. Is that normal or am I doing something wrong? I would hate to when I progress to clamshells for that to be there.

    I pour almost always at 150 degrees because any lower and it messes up my ratio and I have caked wax on the side of my pot that should of been in the mold. Not sure how you guys pour slushy, just didn't work for me.

    As for cooling I do not touch them, I do not even clean up my area. I let them sit overnight (or 5 hrs if I make them during the day). Here is a pic so you can see what I mean. Thanks for the help!`


  2. Everyone was not kidding when they say to perfect your melts is tough work. You really do not just go in with your wax and BOOM have great smelling and working tarts! I got them to do that the first time, then the others not so much luck. :rolleyes2

    To the newbies like myself out there, if this is something you want to do as a hobby stick with it and log everything! I need to work on logging my burn times, but I just guess.

    This forum has been helpful. So just want to say thanks and so far loving CandleScience scents. The other scents I got from Candlesource smelt good but just didn't throw for me. I'm hoping I'm going through a breakthrough!

    It's funny (wanted to add), I do plan to sell one day, I'm aiming for the Fall or for next year. I have friends who want to buy and I'm irritated about it! Never thought I would be irritated about getting business before I even start! I have soooo much work to do!

  3. What's a good cheap way to get your tarts out of your silicone molds (this time was a silicone ice cube tray) without chipping? Was testing out my new mold and chipped a few of them.

    If it's any help I used Ecosoya PB, poured at 155 degrees

  4. I'm new and only have made three batches of tarts (second batch I'm testing currently) and the FO's I used are from The Candle Source. I really like them and think they smell great!

    Anyone think different?

    Also around what time of year does that sale come from Candle Science? With all these raves I'm thinking of buying a few even without that sale.

  5. I just wish they would of gave me my FO's. Needed no refund or cancellation, I was looking forward to Chocolate Mint scented melties. It's a decent price, but just be cautious, all I'm saying.

    On the otherhand I just got EXCELLENT customer service from CandleWic. I'm not having good luck gathering up my needed supplies, can you tell? My pot got damaged in FEDEX and they are sending me a replacement and don't need the damaged goods back.

  6. They claim they couldn't satisfy me (I'm going back and forth with the company). I told them once they cleared it up I understood and proceeded with my order. If I liked their scents I was coming back. They didn't even try, I bought from someone else anyways that someone on the forum directed me to. I will say I was never mean to them and negative or neutral status they can defend themselves (they have one neg and one neutral already). Oh well... I may not make a difference, but I just want people to know my experience with them.

    Also when you poke a pregnant woman with unstable hormones your bound to get some flack :-p

  7. Hello Everyone!

    I am newbie to making wickless creations and candles, in fact I have been trying to get everything I need to start my new adventure and hobby. I bought some fragrances off EBAY and perhaps it was my poor reading, but the listing confused me. I thought I bought 50 assorted 4 ounce fragrances for dirt cheap. When I went to a forum to see if I was getting a good deal or "what I paid for" someone mentioned what I bought. I rushed to see I misunderstood and wrote the seller. He confirmed I only bought 1 4 ounce fragrance or 2 - 2 ounce fragrances.

    So I told him I am giving him a neutral status because it is confusing how he described it along with what fragrances I wanted. They refunded my money without telling me why. I asked and he stated he canceled my order. Wrong move on their part.

    If you buy from them, please use caution.


  8. Well,

    Venus Candles refunded my money and cancelled my order after telling them I was giving them a neutral status (which really wouldn't hurt much) since their description was confusing. I even gave them the scents I wanted. I wouldn't order from them again - their customer service is awful.

  9. Dipping can fast become an addiction just like candles. It's easy, fast, fun, it's a good type of novelty to expand your line with little testing or money involved. Some people love it, some people hate it, but if you turn into one of the ones that love it ? You're going to be looking at EVERYTHING differently and thinking " hmm can I dip that? " LOL Every time I dip a bear? I kiss him on the nose before I dunk him LOL.

    How cute!

    How long does the dipped scented stuff last?

  10. I was browsing the thread with all the dipped creations. Some of it to me looks gross, but wondered how it works? Like the dipped clothes pins, toilet paper, etc? Does it work like a Scent Cone you can get (renuzit, glade, etc)? I am far from going to try it just yet, but seems like something I could get into. Was just curious :cheesy2:

  11. I just checked it out & ordered -1- 4 oz FO for $5.60 including shipping.

    And I agree, the title of their auction is misleading. The auction is for individual FOs, not a mixed lot.

    I messaged them about it and told them I am confused of what I ordered since a "friend" told me I ordered one item and I assumed 50 assorted 4 ouncers. I may ask for a refund, its almost like false advertisement.

    Between my melting pot being dented, this order, toddler climbing out of her crib - I could cry right now or scream.

  12. That price is for the 2.5ml size ... really not much to work with. When I checked the 1 oz (typical for 1oz per pound of wax) it was $3.75! Not exactly cheap ... and the 16oz was $15.00. Comperable with some suppliers.

    Now the Options section is really confusing ... order 32 oz and get 2-16oz or 4-8oz ~ but can you get different aromas? And 8oz is a big amount if you just wanted to test them. Not saying their oils are bad, never ordered from them, but I just don't see how you would be saving any money if the oil didn't work for you. Now if you could get 1oz of 32 different oils that would be worth it but that doesn't seem to be an option.

    I find it cheap cause for $5.60 I am getting 50 4ounce FO's. It didn't mention per smell, if so I am in bank account trouble.

    For the poster above this quote, thanks for the guidance! I plan to stay away from wicked products. I only plan to make them with my recycled wax melts. Save money and I think would be a fun project.

    On the off topic, Fedex damaged my pour pot. I have to wait till Monday to call Candlewic. Grrr

  13. Thanks, I appreciate all the advice on here. I am excited and nervous to begin. I need a hobby being a SAHM and would love to one day make great stuff to sell it. I'm starting with tarts (though I bought the wrong wax lol oh well). It's a long road especially with a toddler and a new babe on the way :)

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