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Posts posted by tbowers8403

  1. post-14192-139458495716_thumb.jpg

    Most likely not the best picture and background. Never made one before - took a pound of wax! Smell is light and nice, its cinnamon. Made this for my mom's birthday, she likes leopard print and her bathroom is very bland (since I made it for that area). I could not find leopard print ribbon so used tissue paper. The flowers are hot glue on there and have a leopard print like pattern to them. Whatcha think?

  2. Is there a good tip or trick to center wicks? I know it comes with practice but I am getting frustrated after making my second attempt at candles and they are worse than the first attempt. I even took a black marker and put a dot where I wanted the center of the tab to be and it came out offcenter.

    So I was wondering...any good tips/tricks to get center wicks from the pros?

  3. So I made my first batch of room/linen spray. I used the Elements Bath & Body Air Freshner/Linen Spray base with 5% FO. It lasts around an hour and totally goes away when I spray it in the air. I haven't tried linens or anything yet.

    I was wondering if that is a normal time frame for the fragrance to last or should it last longer?

    Also, any experience if the body spray base is better? I may switch to that because I sprayed to slow and it squirted on my husband's arm and it burned :laugh2:So may make it skin safe so I don't burn my customers in the future when I have customers.

  4. Thanks everyone for the encouragement and praise. I burned one of them for about 2 hrs and it was the one with the offcenter wick. Melt pool was nice, just didn't get the far edge melted. I think because it was off center. The flame seemed normal, not to big or small so happy with that. I'll test out the other one at a later time :)

  5. post-14192-139458494409_thumb.jpg

    So these are my first candles ever. They are 2oz in a tin container. Yellow beeswax with a Eco2 wick. The one on the right had a huge crack going across the middle, but I zapped it with my heat gun and refilled the top. The wick is off center which irritates me. I can't wait to try them out!

    My other craft (which I will not post here because they are ugly) was a muslin satchet filled with crushed corn cob and scented with Orange and Peel FO. They look ugly because I attempted to tie dye them. But smell great!


  6. I made my very first candles: I made two 2 oz tin container candles with yellow beeswax and an Eco 2 wick. When curing, the one peeled from the side a little (no biggie) but the other has a crack across the middle where the wick is. Will hitting it with my heat gun seal that up? I poured at 180 degrees, should I of poured lower?

  7. I would suggest if you could, start out with suppliers close to you. You don't have to buy every scent out there that sounds good. I'm speaking from experience as I've restarted my business back up. I'm restricting myself to 3 suppliers. If they don't have a former favorite of mine, I'll find a new one. The amount of oils that I gave to another candle maker was staggering. The amount of money I spent was insane.

    I don't doubt that at all!! Oils even at 1 ounce at pricey! Heck this whole addiction...I mean hobby/career path is pricey :) My husband was gasping at the prices of Natures Garden, told him it works out the same price if I buy a lot.

    I like the fact I have the classifieds page on my account now for this board. I can try FO's from certain places for cheaper :yay:

    Also thanks everyone for the input, I guess I wasn't that lucky to find the answer - just gotta do the leg work and see what works for me! So far I have 1 and a half suppliers lol More to try!

  8. Not asking for specific fragrances, but curious. Do you get your different categories of fragrances from all one place or different places. I like CS scents, but open to try something else.

    Example of what I'm asking:

    Do you get your floral scents at peaks

    but your musky scents at candlescience

    your fruity scents at NG

    your dessert scents at....well you get the point.

    Just curious where the best categories are at different suppliers. I hope this all makes sense!

    Also how many categories are there? I wish I could find a place that lists them, but I get different lists.

  9. Beeswax does make very nice scented candles but I don't know that I could see any benefit to using it for tarts. Since you are not actually burning the wax in a tart, seems to me you would be wasting good beeswax.

    It was my play wax idea for myself. Just wanted to see how it went and I love it! It melts all the way, pretty much the same benefit as doing any other tart. You melt it, get the scent, once it's done you toss it. Love melts, but I think the whole melt idea is a waste of wax. I'm saving mine to attempt recycled candles one day. Just another play idea for myself. :smiley2:

  10. What exactly do you ask your county to see if you are allowed to 1) make candles, etc in your home 2) about a business license. What department of the courthouse would I generally go to?

    I have to go to the courthouse tomorrow for other things and figured while I was there, better ask before I get too much deeper into testing. I aim to launch a business in 2013, but just want to get everything in line first so I know exactly what I need to do.

    Thanks for the help!

  11. Just curious, has anyone ever made beeswax wax tarts before? I made some for myself, I don't think I would ever make to sell them because of the price of beeswax, but I may!

    I used CandleScience Gingerbread FO 12% and (I forget how much wax and tarts I made lol) and they are delicious! Not taste wise, but smell wise lol. One lasted well over 24 hrs and it needed freshened up and I was too lazy to take out the old wax and put a new one in there. I accidently left it on all day and night so well over 24 hrs and it smelt great this morning.

    Does beeswax just hold scent better? I'm in love!! <3 I've tried several different scents with soy and nothing lasted this long but the Dragon's Blood. Which I hate that scent, but my husband loves it.

    I am going to test making beeswax candles soon and might just make a scented one! Mmmm..

  12. I surfed this forum for answers on how to make or experiences for beeswax container candles. I saw they could break cause of high melt temP. I've been researching and saw several beeswax companies sell them in glass and tin. I even emailed one and stated I heard they would break. The answer I got that they use heat resistant glass.

    Anyone make a beeswax candle in a glass jar or tin? I really want to try it out

  13. Hi,

    I'm still a newbie and want to now venture from tarts to tealight candles. If you can give me a bit of direction on what to get would be helpful (or a tutorial link).

    What little tealight containers should I get or look out for to fill them up?

    What type of wick works well for soy and/or beeswax?

    I plan to make these unscented.

    Any special soy wax? I'm going to buy some Ecosoya CB 135 to combine with Ecosoya PB for my tarts. Would that be okay to use? I do have a Golden Foods 144 wax too. Just let me know if I can use what I have.

    My beeswax is just yellow beeswax flakes/beads.

    What is a good pour temp?

    How do you set a tealight wick? or a wick for that matter.

    I know I could look up all the answers, but with my toddler and husband taking over the computer screen its hard for me to find the answers.

    Thanks so much!

  14. I see you are in/near Bedford, if you ever venture over towards philadelphia candlewic.com is in Doylestown and carries what you're looking for.

    They are 3hrs from me. I do order my wax from them. They have great customer service.

    I need to look up what a heat gun is. Going to do that now :)

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