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Posts posted by Aimee81

  1. This is a newer scent they started carrying and throws AWESOME in my Ecosoya CB 135 wx melts but I wanted to change the name of it. I have noticed alot of people wont try it based on it saying tea in it...don't know why.

    Has anyone else tried this FO from Candlescience and if so any suggestions on a different scent name would be helpful.

  2. Snowman melter from candlewarmer.com with a 25 watt halogen bulb with .8 oz mini muffin soy wax melt (.10 oz FO Hansel & Gretel from CS) got to temp of 230 degrees.

    Scentsy melter with a 40 watt light bulb with mini muffin soy wax melt (.10 oz FO Fudge Brownie from EL) got to temp of 178 degrees.

    With that being said, the Snowman melter smoked my soy wax bad.....the Scensty did not and has never smoked any of my soy wax melts.

  3. I have a Snowman warmer from candlewarmers.com with a 25 watt halogen light bulb and my .8 oz soy wax melt reaches a temp of 230 degrees.

    My other warmer has a 40 watt light bulb and with the same melt it only reaches a temp of 178 degrees.

    Am wondering if the Snowman melter will cook the FO right out of my wax in a few hours. Seems like it is getting too hot and will create a very strong scented wax melt but not for an extended period of time since it will cook the scent right out.


  4. I have a question and forgive me if I sound clueless...but I am lol.

    I have Enchanted Lights 100% Container Soy Wax, Millennium Soy Wax, Votive Soy Wax.

    I want to make wax melts (mini muffin size) and wanted to get everyone's thoughts on why it would or would not be to my advantage for appearance/hot throw to mix any of together.

    I made a 60% Votive/40% Container melt and it has good CT and HT and came out of the mold great.

    Before I received EL wax I was using Ecosoya CB 135 for melts & container's and the melts were a bit on the soft side but still amazing CT and HT. I have to switch wax suppliers because of shipping prices and EL is within driving distance for me.

    Just want some advice on blending different waxes from EL to get the best melt.

    Thank You

  5. I paid $5.00 for shipping from WickIt and asked for some CD and CDN samples and they are sending me Premier 700 and Superior 800. Never heard of these before and was hoping for some CD and CDN's (specifically 22 or larger).

    Oh well, guess I can't complain since the wicks are free and I only paid shipping.

    Anyone know of a company to order samples of CD and CDN's size 22 or larger?

  6. Sorry, my brain has not been working because it wouldn't be WSSP. DUH.......

    Anyway, I have tried about only 6 of their FO's but in my experience with wax melts they are SO strong and last twice as long as my other FO's from CS or NG. I really wish they weren't that expensive though, cause I have never had a FO not be amazing from them.

  7. Quick question, are the CDN's and CD's similar?

    I liked how the CD 22's did in my jar so need to order some more to test in the new wax I will be trying. Wanted to also get CDN's but they only have 20 as biggest size. Trying to keep it to 1 wick if I can.

    HTP's get HUGE mushroom's while lit so I think I won't be testing with that type of wick, wonder if that is just my experience or all around. It created a fmp really well but I don't like those big mushrooms which makes the flame wider and bigger too.

    Thanks so much!

  8. Just thought I would update on this thread: I was able to single wick my apothecary 4 inch diameter jars with a CD 22!! It was weird having a jar that wasn't so hot I couldn't pick it up while lit. I was apparently melting my candles with torches before using 2 ECO 6's. Really hoping all my FO's will burn great with the CD 22, if not I am sure there is a bigger wick than CD 22 I could try?

    Thanks for all your help everyone... :)

  9. The CD 22 wick did AWESOME in my 8 oz apothecary jar Ecosoya CB 135 with 4 inch diameter!!!SO EXCITED. I am going to get some samples of EL wax and see how I like it and perhaps test it with the CD 22 in the same jar. I am hoping I can pick up EL wax closer to home and not have to pay shipping so that is why I am considering switching to EL wax....wish me luck. Not too thrilled about starting over again with wax but if it saves me money and has a good ht it will be worth it, I hope :)

  10. The closest distributor I can find for soy wax only carries Enchanted Lights wax. (Millenium, Container, Votive)

    Do you have any experience with this wax?

    A 50 lb box is $78.50 and I can drive 45 minutes to pick it up so won't have to pay shipping where my Ecosoya CB 135 from Gateway Foods cost about $100 for wax and shipping included.

    Maybe I should start a new thread asking about Millenium wax from Enchanted Lights?

  11. We have always made soy candles. When you say NGI's CBA doesn't give a good scent throw is that the Ecosoya CB 135 that I am using? I would LOVE to find a distributor that I could drive to (within 3 hours) from where I live and save on shipping and would switch wax if that would help but I can't seem to find anyone. I am not 100% set on having to have this particular wax, this is just what my Mom used and I just finished my 50 lb box of it so need to buy some more. Perhaps I should consider different jars like other's have recommended. My jars cost me with the lid $1.35 for a 16 oz jar.

    Just wanted to clarify that in your opinion the Ecosoya CB 135 does not throw as good of a scent as your NatureWax C3?

  12. Thank you Stella for that helpful information. To be honest, I must need to be trained all over again on the performance of a candle because for 2 years my Mom has made our candles and I have been so use to our 2 wicked ECO 8's (I switched from 8 to 6 size because of too much soot and mushrooms when she left the business) giving a fmp after about 3 hours and the jar was completely melted side to side. There was no wax build up on the jar. So I think that is why I am not happy with the CD's.

    If what you are saying is correct, that soy candles should not reach a fmp and have wax buildup on them (which I am 100% sure it is lol) then I need to be completely retrained on candles again if I am going to make a successful candle. I was always under the impression the first burn should create a fmp and leave no wax and the same thing all the way down the candle until it is done.

    My ECO 6's I am using now seem to work but after 3 hours I get almost a full inch of melting pool. I checked the NGI web site you sent and they stated after 4 hour burn there should be 1/4 or 1/2 fmp. WOW, that is so far off what I have been use to. I guess the scripture is true "The truth shall set you free" lol. Cause I have alot to learn all over again.

    Question I have: Did I have a stronger scented candle that burned much faster because of my over wicked jars? When I try to fix this overwick problem and don't get a 1 inch mp after 3 hours will I still get a strong scent throw? Because, correct me if I am wrong, the candle gives out a scent based on a scent throw right?

    Back to my CD's.

    Here is how my first test burn went

    CD 22: did 2 burns (appr 3-4 hours each) and did not get a fmp, left 1/2 inch wax all around the sides of the jar. Now, I did cut the wick too short and therefore created a crater melting pool around the wick and it couldn't reach to sides so I scraped out some wax from the sides and tried to even it out again but I don't think it worked. So in all honestly, I may need to try this again. This will be my 3rd candle with CD 22 wick (the first tester had a huge sink hole around the wick and did not burn right at all)

    CD 20: Lit candle for 4 1/2 hours and there was still 1/4 inch wax build up on sides of jar. I did however light it the next day without realizing it and didn't write down how long it burned (I have so many tester's floating around lol) and I am thinking the candle looks alot better today because there is only a sliver of wax build up on the sides of the jar and it looks as if it melted pretty good. I just lit it this morning so will see how it will do for the 3rd burn. I have to say, the flame is 1 inch high and flickers more than I like, even though it has no mushroom on it. I have just never liked 1 inch flames so maybe I need to get over that because I am in fear of it catching something on fire easier with a huge flame and creating more soot.

    With all that said, I obviously need to be taught about my candle performance and what I should expect. Glad I am not selling them as a business right now as they are obviously over wicked and burning much faster than a soy candle should.

    Oh, you mentioned NGI says 12% FO max, on CS web site they state Ecosoya CB 135 is 9% max FO load so I have never gone more than 9%. Sounds like 12% is a waste of expensive FO to me lol.


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