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Posts posted by KrazeKelly

  1. 1 hour ago, Barbara AL said:

    Trying to post more pics since I have been having trouble I miss this board.

    i tried to upload another soap pic and it gave me an error -200 don't know what that means.


    I get the same error sometimes. Not sure why??

  2. 21 minutes ago, Jcandleattic said:

    Sooo stinkin' cute!!! I wish I could pipe that well... 


    OMG!! I suck at piping. Surely you can do it just as well. Lol. I got tired of waiting for it to get thick and really piped too soon. Except the leaves, it was perfect. 

  3. 29 minutes ago, Trappeur said:

    I've heard you b/4 using Venice Peach Bellini....That sounds beautiful Kelly.  Would you mind me asking where you got that from?  I do a tremendous amount of candles for my 2 accounts in Peach Nectar from CS and that Bellini I wonder if it smells something like Peach Nectar.  I would like to order some and try it out.....


    Again........love love everything you do and this pie with icing is truly the icing on the cake with all your gorgeous creations you design and make....truly.




    Thank you!! ? It's from Aztec and my first time using it. Not sure how it compares to Peach Nectar.  I've tried several peaches but I've never found one I like in soap. This one still smells good so hopefully it sticks well. 



  4. 6 minutes ago, bfroberts said:

    They are just lovely.  I hate that they've given you such trouble, but they really are beautiful!


    Thank you!! I will probably keep the gelled cake to give as freebies to my regular customers and just sell the other two. There is a definite difference in the tops. I could just remove the frosting and redo it. I'll have to think on that a while. I'm afraid the mp will not hold it on well. 

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  5. 2 hours ago, Trappeur said:



    Your talent is endless........what scent is that?




    The cake portion is Venice Peach Bellini. Embeds have Love Spell and frosting has a touch also. 


    In had a learning experience with the cake that I piped after the frosting started gelling. It did not stick to the cake portion. So, when I cut it, it started breaking off. I spent two hours last night carefully removing the frosting a piece at a time, melting the leftover mp embeds and painting the soap with the melted mp and "glueing" each piece of frosting back on the cake. Ugh!!  Then I drizzled mp all over the top of each piece. It's a good thing I am a patient person. ? I hope I don't have this issue with the other 2 cakes. I don't think I will since they were piped before it started gelling. We'll see!! 


  6. Well, that was fun! I think I have soap in the crack of my ? Anyway, if you make a 10lb batch of frosting, you should separate it out so that it doesn't start getting too hot and gelling!! It may help but I don't know. I will try it next time. It started gelling towards the end of the 2nd cake. I had to get the hand mixer out and try to get it smoothed out as best I could. I had to change piping bags 3 times because it kept hardening in the bag'! BUT I got all 3 cakes done thankfully.  I could probably cut the last cake right now it's so hard already. The first 2 are not so I was able to add the little butterflies to the sides of them. I may have really messed up by adding a mica drizzle to the gelled cake. I don't know if the oil is going to absorb but I'll wait and see. I sprinkled mica over all of them. I don't want to make soap anymore for a few days now. LOL ?





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  7. 25 minutes ago, franu61 said:

    Ok, so I've never done CP, only M&P.   So when it "accelerates" it gets hard too soon?

    Is the soap in the picture usable as is?  I am storing all the info I can so that I get brave enough to try CP some day. :)


    Yes, I've already unmolded them in less than 2 hrs!!! I'm going to pipe in them and make mini soap ? 


    • Like 4
  8. Yes, I tend not to scent the piping but was going to give it a go this time since there is going to be a large amount of piping. Thankfully I tested it on this small batch first!! The fragrance is Yuzu and Cocoa from Nuture Soap. It's the first fragrance from them that I've used that did not act like it was supposed to. It's a beautiful fragrance. I've already unmolded the little round soaps. Ha!! Less than 2 hrs!! 


    The soap base is Venice Peach Bellini from Aztec. Smells really good. I used some Love Spell in the embeds so I used the rest of it (about 2oz) in my 10lb batch of frosting to give it a hint of fragrance. Wish me luck!!! Pics later!! 



  9. Don't you hate it when a fragrance that is not supposed to accelerate does!!? I was going to pipe roses ? Thankfully, it was a 1lb batch and now I know not to use it in my white frosting for my soap cakes. So disappointed because it was a beautiful fragrance. It was good for about 5-10 minutes but set up very quickly after that. Blah!! 


  10. Awesome!! I love making the Valentine's soaps! The last couple of years I've waited too long, thinking I would have more time but once the Holidays hit, I ran out of time!! Not happening this year!! Ha!!  Post pics!! I think I will make the base Thursday and do the frosting Friday while my husband is at work. It's so much easier when I'm alone. This is my last week off work. ? That 6 weeks went by too fast! I don't want to go back to work Blah!!! I just want to stay home and make soap and stuff. 

    • Like 3
  11. 11 minutes ago, Moonstar said:

    Oh my ! So so pretty ! Do you scent the castile bars or just leave ? So after a year they are not slimy - I bought a bar once + although it felt great it was 

    slimy. Maybe its because of not curing enough ? So these just have OO - lye + water ? You are so talented. The roses IMO are a perfect touch :) 


    Thanks!! No, this one is unscented and yes, it's 100% olive oil but I used coconut milk for the majority of my water. My last Castile cured for a year and it was not slimy to me. ?

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