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Posts posted by KrazeKelly

  1. One of my favorites is Sweet Pea and Vanilla from Candlescience. I use it to make candles for my daughter's room.

    This is one of my favorites also. Can't help you with the blending part but I found this description of a BBW dupe....

    A sweet pea flower, pear, loganberry, rhubarb light floral nectar w/ a hint of orchid

  2. CAREFUL!! You may never go back! Be sure to try a container palm wax blend. VERY showy!! :-)

    Well, I did have to do a small batch last night and I guess I needed the break because I didn't have one jar to frost!! Yet!! :)


    But I will certainly have to try the container palm... Soy was such a pain to figure out, it would be nice to try something easier for a change. It is easier isn't it?? haha.... I haven't made enough to tell but do you have to test different wicks with different FO's like you do with soy?? or once you find the wick that works will it work with all of the same sizes??

    Also, here is the Ocean(teal) candle after complete burn. I would like a little less shell, but CS does not have a CSN 18 wick!!! I guess I will have to find the right size CD. I'm attaching a photo of a 3" x 4.5" pillar (pink) using a CSN14 and I am liking the burn on it right now. I'm anxious to see how it turns out in the end. Hopefully it doesn't blow out the side. You can tell I moved the wick back and forth to straighten but the other two sides are a little thicker. I'm learning a few things!! I do know I hate shrink wrapping baskets right now!! :)



  3. See how the top inside is beginning to weep and become thinner? Keep burning it and try to keep the heat centered. I can't tell how far down the candle has burned from the photo. The shell looks a little thick, but again, without being able to tell how far down the candle has burned, I can't really predict how much more the shell may thin before lights out. A short, squat, wide candle may not have enough time to thin the walls.

    It is very close to the end. It's only 3" tall because I only used 1lb in the mold since it was my first one. I'll let you know how it turns out. I think it will only burn for another hour, maybe two at the most.

    I did do a 50/50 :) here is how it turned out! I leveled it after I took the photo.


  4. After bringing the candle home from work and comparing it to the previous photo, it did burn better than I orginally thought. So that wick choice was a pretty good one. Is it normal to have this much of a shell left? I should have straightened the wick a little more often though.



  5. Stella,

    This one is 4" dia. and I have burned it all the way down now and looks about the same as it did in the photo. I think a size up on the CSN wick would have been perfect maybe, I'll just have to play with it. The purple one that I used the CD wick in is worse than that Aqua, I could probably go up at least 2 wick sizes on it. But I am going to let it burn all the way and see what happens.

    Thanks for the advice! I got my wax in from Peak yesterday and a new 3" dia. mold, so I made a starburst pillar last night. It's so pretty! I can't decide which wax I like better! :)


  6. Thanks everyone, I am loving this wax! The color is Teal/Aqua from Lonestar. I used 2 drops for 1lb. I am attaching a photo after 9hrs of burn time. I think it is under wicked, I used CSN16. Not sure since I've never used this wax. I made the purple one (photo attached) and since I am out of the CSN in larger sizes, I am trying a CD18 in it to start.

    Yes, I am a newbie. I have been making soy containers for a while and made all the newbie mistakes until I found this forum. I started with 464 and hated the frosting so I read all the wax descriptions and decided to try CBA, only to find out about the HT problems. Then I found this forum and realized I wasn't crazy! LOL! I decided to blend the two of them since I had made the other newbie mistake of buying 50lbs of each. I tried several %'s and found that I could work with a 60% 464 / 40% CBA and with the correct temps and only end up with frosting occasionally. I haven't tried heating the dye and FO like Stella has suggested yet. But I do pour the FO very slowly as I stir so it doesn't shock the wax as bad. At least in my mind that made sense. Frosting makes me crazy though and I am determined to make it work. So far I'm having pretty good luck with it.

    I was walking around Hobby Lobby and saw that they had palm wax and some molds and I have been wanting to try some pillars. Especically since I saw the Hippie Pillars on here, those were beautiful! So, I thought what the heck, I had to pay more to try it out but I wasn't out any shipping cost either. I found a way to justify spending 10.00 for 2lbs...LOL!! Today I had to place an order with Peaks for more wax and a couple of molds, I love it so much! LOL!! I am trying the starburst and feather for giggles :) Thanks for the compliments, I really enjoy reading and learning from all of you.





  7. Hi, this was my first attempt at using palm wax and my first pillar ever. I think it turned out really pretty, although I forgot to poke relief holes and I didn't have a wick pin so I drilled the hole for the wick. I'll just have to see how it burns and remember that next time. But for the first attempt, I'm pretty excited about the way it looks. I used 2 drops aqua liquid dye and 1oz. Ocean fragrance oil. Love the texture of palm wax.




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