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Posts posted by lmc

  1. :bow: Thanks for all the help...(not that I'm done asking lol) but I think I'm finally getting to know my lovely, bubbly, C3. :bliss:

    Stella, you were dead on about the handling of it (mmm mishandling)...once I cut back on all the variables and just tried one thing at a time it all started coming together LOL!

    Lesson 1-less really is best (fo)

    Lesson 2-one thing at a time

    Lesson 3-what works for one does NOT mean it will for you

  2. I've experimented with all 3...I use CBA for my colored candles with fo's that work in it (CBA is very picky when it comes to fo's and ht), I gave up to quickly on the 464-PITA to wick but had good ht, and now I'm trying C3 only this time I will stay with it and learn how to use it. I've chosen not to color this soy but I've been happy with the ht and finally have the wicking narrowed down. The GB444 has a higher melt point if you're concerned about shipping in the heat than the 464...there have been recent posts on air bubbles (ask me how I know lol)...HTH!

  3. I use CBA w/ fo's from CS that I know throw well because I love the look of it and the way it takes to color...however I am now testing my 3rd soy wax based on scent throw alone and will not be adding color (at least not till I master the wick, burn, looks, and characteristics of it). IMO, CBA is a dream to work with compared to soy or C3 but I will probably continue to work with CBA and C3 just for the variety of it...

  4. No, I don't have difficulty with measuring, weighing, percentages, etc...but yes, I did assume that the 1 oz trial sizes were actually 1 weighed ounce. CBA and GB464 can take more fo w/o the complications that I'm seeing with the C3, and I'm finding as I go along that no two waxes are the same by any means...trial and error. Appreciate the feedback-I'm determined to find my way with the C3 icon11.gif

  5. Thanks Stella, I've been reading dozens of threads on C3 and I'm just in the beginning phase of testing C3. I did try your last suggestions as far as pouring(160*) and cooling slower and it definetly helped with the wet spots. I used 8.5% only because I have so many 1 oz trial sizes and its easier to pour 1 in with each 12 oz wax I make for testers. I will cut back on next tester and see if it helps...I did read in much older threads how you and some others have never experienced this w/ C3, so I will try that tonight. Thanks again!

  6. I haven't experienced in the other 2 waxes this phenomenon that looks like cauliflower after the C3 has been burning...I've tried it w/o and with CO (using 1/2 tsp per 12oz) and still see this lumpy growth :tongue2:...should I try 1 tsp per 12 oz or will this make it too oily? TIA

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